如何在 ColdFusion/Lucee 组件中动态编写隐式 getter 和 setter?


<!--- MyComp.cfc --->
<cfcomponent displayname="MyComp" hint="MyComp" accessors="true">
<cffunction name="init">
<cfargument name="dynamicprops" type="array">
<cfloop array="#dynamicprops#" index="item">
Now what? I cannot do a cfsavecontent and write props here.
It demands cfproperty just after the cfcomponent begins. I 
tried to do with closures but they are not acually setters 
and getters. Does anyone know how to better do it? 
<!--- example call --->
<cfset mc = CreateObject("component","MyComp").init( [{"name"="a","default"=1}] ) />




variables[item.name] = item.default;
variables["set"&item.name] = function(_val){ variables[item.name] =_val; }
variables["get"&item.name] = function(){ return variables[item.name; }

无法工作。我该怎么做? 谢谢:)


component name="myComponent" hint="myComponent.cfc"{
function init( struct dynamicProperties={} ){
dynamicProperties.each( function( name, default ){
variables[ name ] = default;
} );
return this;
function onMissingMethod( name, args ){
if( name.Left( 3 ) IS "get" )
return get( name );
if( ( name.Left( 3 ) IS "set" ) AND ( args.Len() IS 1 ) )
return set( name, args[ 1 ] );
cfthrow( type="NonExistentMethod", message="The method '#name#' doesn't exist" );
public any function get( required string accessorName ){
var propertyName = parsePropertyName( accessorName );
if( !variables.KeyExists( propertyName ) )
cfthrow( type="NonExistentProperty", message="The property '#propertyName#' doesn't exist" );
return variables[ propertyName ];
public void function set( required string accessorName, required any value ){
var propertyName = parsePropertyName( accessorName );
if( !variables.KeyExists( propertyName ) )
cfthrow( type="NonExistentProperty", message="The property '#propertyName#' doesn't exist" );
variables[ propertyName ] = value;
private string function parsePropertyName( accessorName ){
return accessorName.RemoveChars( 1, 3 );

将属性名称/默认值的结构传递给它,它将"侦听"匹配的 getter/setter。任何不这样做都会导致异常。

myDynamicProperties = { A: 0, B: 0 }; // this is a struct of names and default values
mc = new myComponent( myDynamicProperties );
mc.setA( 100 );
WriteDump( mc.getA() ); // 100
WriteDump( mc.getB() ); // 0
WriteDump( mc.getC() ); // exception

更新 1:属性名称数组替换为名称/默认值结构作为 init 参数,以允许设置默认值。

更新 2:如果您想传递包含您的名称/默认值对的结构数组,例如

dynamicProperties = [ { name: "A", default: 1 }, { name: "B", default: 2 } ];

那么 init() 方法将是:

function init( array dynamicProperties=[] ){
dynamicProperties.each( function( item ){
variables[ item.name ] = item.default;
} );
return this;

更新 3:如果您必须使用标签和<cfloop>来设置动态属性,那么这就是您在 init 方法中所需要的一切:

<cfloop array="#dynamicProperties#" item="item">
<cfset variables[ item.name ] = item.default>


method = mc[ "set#property#" ];
method( value );


mc.set( property, value );
mc.get( property );


<cfcomponent displayname="MyComp" hint="MyComp" accessors="true">

来源: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-tags/tags-c/cfcomponent.html
