C# "Method Name Expected"

  • 本文关键字:Expected Name Method c#
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double userWeight;
double userHeight;
double userAnswer;
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our program for calculating Body Mass Index");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your weight in pounds.");
userWeight = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your height in inches.");
userHeight = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
userAnswer = (userWeight / (userHeight * userHeight) * 703);
Console.WriteLine("The BMI of a person who weighs ") + userWeight ("pounds and is ") + userHeight ("inches tall has a BMI of ") + userAnswer;
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

Console.WriteLine 的格式有点不对劲。 你写道:

Console.WriteLine("The BMI of a person who weighs ") + userWeight ("pounds and is ") + userHeight ("inches tall has a BMI of ") + userAnswer;


Console.WriteLine("The BMI of a person who weighs " + userWeight + " pounds and is " + userHeight + " inches tall has a BMI of " + userAnswer);



Console.WriteLine($"The BMI of a person who weighs {userWeight} pounds and is {userHeight} inches tall has a BMI of {userAnswer}");

你可以试试这个: 这将打印带有两个十进制数字的双精度。

Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The BMI of a person who weighs {0:0.00} pounds and is {1:0.00} inches tall has a BMI of {2:0.00}", userWeight, userHeight, userAnswer));


Console.WriteLine("The BMI of a person who weighs " + userWeight + " pounds and is " + userHeight + " inches tall has a BMI of " + userAnswer);

