如何处理 Python 3.8 中的 Kivy 安装错误?

我已经从Kivy在Python中安装了所有必要的代码,但是我需要的最后一个是python -m pip install kivy,给我一个这样的错误:

ERROR: Dependency for context.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for compiler.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for context_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for fbo.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for gl_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for opengl.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for opengl_utils.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for shader.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for stencil_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for scissor_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for texture.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for vbo.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for vertex.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for vertex_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_mock.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_gl.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_glew.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_sdl2.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for svg.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python setup.py egg_info Check the logs for full command output.

我使用窗口 10,请帮忙!


马塔姆在15天前评论道 我们不太可能将 3.8 的 1.11.1 版本发布到 pypi。但是,您可以使用以下命令安装 kivy master:

pip install kivy[base] kivy_examples --pre --extra-index-url https://kivy.org/downloads/simple/

尝试使用pip install kivy==2.0.0rc2pip install kivy==2.0.0rc1

命令:pip install kivy==2.0.0rc2

适用于Windows 10 ProPython 3.8.3


from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button

class TestApp(App):
def build(self):
return Button(text= " Hello Kivy World ")

这适用于macOS Catalina 10.15.6和python 3.8.0+

pip install kivy==2.0.0rc2

如果您使用的是 conda 环境:

conda install -c conda-forge kivy 

适用于 Python 3.8

我是 windows 10,带有 3.8.2

似乎点安装 kivy==2.0.0rc2 有效。至少它安装了。

是时候判断我是否可以使用 3.8.2 使用它进行开发了


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