无法导出到监视服务,因为:GaxError RPC 失败,由 3 导致

我在App Engine中有一个Java应用程序,最近我开始收到以下错误:

Unable to export to Monitering service because: GaxError RPC failed, caused by 3:One or more TimeSeries could not be written: Metrics cannot be written to gae_app. See https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/custom-metrics/creating-metrics#which-resource for a list of writable resource types.: timeSeries[0]


Health checks: instance=instanceName start=2020-01-14T14:28:07+00:00 end=2020-01-14T14:28:53+00:00 total=18 unhealthy=0 healthy=18



#General settings
runtime: java
api_version: '1.0'
env: flex
jdk: openjdk8
#service: service_name #Required if creating a service. Optional for the default service.
#Resource settings
cpu: 2
memory_gb: 6 #memory_gb = cpu * [0.9 - 6.5] - 0.4
#  disk_size_gb: 10 #default
##Liveness checks - Liveness checks confirm that the VM and the Docker container are running. Instances that are deemed unhealthy are restarted.
path: "/liveness_check"
timeout_sec: 20         #1-300   Timeout interval for each request, in seconds.
check_interval_sec: 30 #1-300   1-300Time interval between checks, in seconds.
failure_threshold: 6   #1-10    An instance is unhealthy after failing this number of consecutive checks.
success_threshold: 2   #1-10    An unhealthy instance becomes healthy again after successfully responding to this number of consecutive checks.
initial_delay_sec: 300 #0-3600  The delay, in seconds, after the instance starts during which health check responses are ignored. This setting can allow an instance more time at deployment to get up and running.
##Readiness checks - Readiness checks confirm that an instance can accept incoming requests. Instances that don't pass the readiness check are not added to the pool of available instances.
path: "/readiness_check"
timeout_sec: 10             #1-300      Timeout interval for each request, in seconds.
check_interval_sec: 15      #1-300      Time interval between checks, in seconds.
failure_threshold: 4       #1-10    An instance is unhealthy after failing this number of consecutive checks.
success_threshold: 2       #1-10    An unhealthy instance becomes healthy after successfully responding to this number of consecutive checks.
app_start_timeout_sec: 300 #1-3600  The maximum time, in seconds, an instance has to become ready after the VM and other infrastructure are provisioned. After this period, the deployment fails and is rolled back. You might want to increase this setting if your application requires significant initialization tasks, such as downloading a large file, before it is ready to serve.
#Service scaling settings
min_num_instances: 2
max_num_instances: 3
target_utilization: 0.7

该错误是由堆栈驱动程序日志记录挎斗升级到 1.6.25 版本引起的,该版本开始通过 OpenCensus 将 FluentD 指标推送到 Stackdriver 监控。但是,与App Engine Flex的集成尚不起作用。

这些错误应仅为日志。它与运行状况检查日志无关。它不应影响 VM 重启。如果 VM 实例频繁重启,则可能是由其他原因引起的。在堆栈驱动程序日志记录 UI 中,您可以在流vm.syslog下搜索Free disk space,在流下搜索unhealthy sidecarsvm.events。如果显示某些日志,则您的实例重新启动可能是由可用磁盘大小过低或任何运行状况不佳的挎斗容器引起的。
