

背景:我正在尝试使用@YiHui bookdown包制作一本带有讲座幻灯片的书(请参阅为bookdown项目创建附带幻灯片(。为此目的的一个关键功能是能够使用条件格式,例如eval = (out_type=="beamer")。因此,我面临的问题是能够在bookdown自定义环境中添加代码块或内联R代码(请参阅和。我希望能正确编译以下内容。有解决方案吗?挂钩能用吗(参见有一种破解方法可以强制pandoclatex环境中进行解析,但我认为它不适用于此。lua filter能工作吗(我不知道如何使用它(?



# Methods
We describe our methods in this chapter.
So here is a theorem to prove 1+1 = `r 1+1`.
```{theorem, echo=TRUE}  
we want to show that in R, 1+1 = 2.  
We also wonder why `$digamma$` ($digamma$) not showing.  
Shows in the html output only, not pdf.  
But when I recompile the tex file produced by bookdown - shows up just fine!!  
Indeed, is defined correctly from `usepackage{amssymb}`.  
```{proof, echo=TRUE}  
- If I am not mistaken, I cannot get an Rmarkdown style list to work either in the proof environment.
- Well, this is where i would like to be able to use inline code.  
- we use r to compute 1+1: `r 1+1`.  
- Does not work.  
- Just shows verbatim inline code.  



你可以在Pandoc's fenced Divs中写出定理,例如

# Methods
We describe our methods in this chapter.
So here is a theorem to prove 1+1 = `r 1+1`.
::: {.theorem}  
we want to show that in R, 1+1 = 2.  
We also wonder why `$digamma$` ($digamma$) not showing.  
Shows in the html output only, not pdf.  
But when I recompile the tex file produced by bookdown - shows up just fine!!  
Indeed, is defined correctly from `usepackage{amssymb}`.  
::: {.proof}  
- If I am not mistaken, I cannot get an Rmarkdown style list to work either in the proof environment.
- Well, this is where i would like to be able to use inline code.  
- we use r to compute 1+1: `r 1+1`.  
- Does not work.  
- Just shows verbatim inline code.  

