扭矩 BLCR 检查点与静态链接可执行文件

我正在尝试使用伯克利实验室检查点 (BLCR( 方案由扭矩作业调度程序处理的检查点作业,并且在尝试cr_run"my_exec"时抛出错误,因为我相信可执行文件在编译时是静态链接的。 提交脚本如下所示(简体,伪版本(:

#PBS -q workq
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -l pmem=1gb,pvmem=2gb
#PBS -l walltime=30:00:00
#PBS -o out.log
#PBS -N jobname
#PBS -j oe
NNODES=$(uniq $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l)
NP=$(wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE | awk '{print $1}')
cr_run 'executable' infile.inp > outfile.out &
## store process ID as variable and sleep 29 hours, then checkpoint
sleep 104400
cr_checkpoint -p $BGPID -f checkFile.checkpoint --term

我已经使用动态链接的二进制文件(主要是从我自己编写的代码构建的可执行文件(成功地检查点作业,所以我已经知道如何做到这一点。 问题是我尝试运行的可执行文件是预编译的,并且我没有源代码,否则这不是问题。

我在这里找到了似乎提供了一些建议的文档(见 4.2(,但在尝试破译和测试这里的建议之前,我认为看看是否有人有检查点作业的经验,这些作业从编译时未动态链接的可执行文件运行。

作为旁注,代码没有内部检查点。 此外,我们使用比睡眠 29 小时更礼貌的检查点方式,我只是包括这个,以免弄乱脚本并使其更具可读性。

答案在BLCR常见问题解答中提到: https://upc-bugs.lbl.gov/blcr/doc/html/FAQ.html#staticlink

If you can checkpoint and restart a dynamically linked application correctly, but 
cannot do so with the same application linked statically, this FAQ entry is for you.
There are multiple reasons why BLCR may have problems with statically executables.
The cr_run utility only supports dynamic executables
If you wish to checkpoint an unmodified executable, the typical recipe is
$ cr_run my_app my_args
However, the cr_run utility does its work using the "LD_PRELOAD" environment variable 
to force loading of BLCR's support code into the address space the applications. That 
mechanism is only functional for dynamically linked executables. There is no magic we 
can perform today that will resolve this (though in the future we'd like to replace 
our use of LD_PRELOAD with a kernel-side mechanism). So, you'll need to relink any 
statically linked executables to include BLCR support.
** Linking BLCR's libraries statically takes special care **
OK, we've told you why cr_run doesn't work and told you to relink. You tried linking 
with -lcr_run and/or -lcr and still can't get a checkpoint to work. What went wrong?
You need a -u option in addition the the -l or the static linking will simply ignore 
BLCR's library.
** BLCR doesn't support LinuxThreads **
Ok, what else could go wrong? You've followed the guidance given in the "Cautionary
linker notes" section of the BLCR Users Guide when you linked your application. You 
even ran
$ nm my_app | grep link_me
to be sure the symbol you specified with -u is linked in. However, you are seeing 
weird crashes of your application when you try to checkpoint.
The culprit might be LinuxThreads. Why? Because at the time this FAQ entry is being 
written, there are many Linux distributions that install the static libs for 
LinuxThreads in the default library search path, and with the NPTL static libs 
elsewhere. The resolution could be as simple as linking your application with -L/usr
/lib/nptl or -L/usr/lib64/nptl, perhaps by setting an "LDFLAGS" variable (though it is 
possible that your distribution has picked some other location).
While it is not strictly required due to binary compatibility between LinuxThreads and 
NPTL, we'd recommend that you at least consider a recompile with -I/usr/include/nptl 
Note, of course, that if BLCR's utilities are statically linked to LinuxThreads, then 
they need to be rebuilt too. See the BLCR Admin Guide for more information on that.

