意外递归 - 如何在单击时停止或重置函数


问题是,当您使用表单 (#verizoni516) 关闭div 然后重新打开它时,您收到的警报数量与您关闭div 并重新打开它的次数一样多,而不是我想要的 ONE 警报。这有什么意义吗?


/*--------------Validation Functions-------------------*/
    function chkradio() {
        var elem = document.forms['vzi5'].elements['element_0'];
            len = elem.length - 1;
            chkvalue = '';
            sevenPlus = false;
            fourToSix = false;
            threeMin = false;
        for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
            if(elem[i].checked) chkvalue = elem[i].value;   
        if (chkvalue == '') {
            $('#radio-error').fadeIn('fast').effect("bounce", {times:3}, 'fast', function(){
                    $('#radio-error').fadeOut('slow');}, 2000);
        if (chkvalue >= 7) {
            sevenPlus = true;
        } else if (chkvalue >= 4 && chkvalue <= 6) {
            fourToSix = true;
        } else {
            threeMin = true;
    function chkselect() {
        var elem = document.forms['vzi5'].elements['element_1'];
            len = elem.length - 1;
            chkvalue = '';
            likeNew = false;
            minProb = false;
            nonFunc = false;
        for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
            if (elem[i].selected) chkvalue = elem[i].value;
        if (chkvalue == '') {
            $('#select-error').fadeIn('fast').effect("bounce", {times:3}, 'fast', function(){
                    $('#select-error').fadeOut('slow');}, 2000);
        } else if (chkvalue === 'Like New - No Functional Problems') {
            likeNew = true;
        } else if (chkvalue === 'Minor Functional Problems') {
            minProb = true;
        } else {
            nonFunc = true;
    function chkbox() {
        var elem = document.forms['vzi5'].elements['element_2[]'];
            chkvalue = elem.checked;
            iUnderstand = true;
        if (chkvalue === true) {
        } else {
            iUnderstand = false;
            $('#check-error').fadeIn('fast').effect("bounce", {times:3}, 'fast', function(){
                $('#check-error').fadeOut('slow');}, 2000);
//Calling the validation functions---------------------------
$('#verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple').click(function(){
    $(this).closest('div').fadeOut(500).animate({"top": "-414px"}, 100).fadeIn('fast', function(){
        $('#verizon516').animate({"top": "+=557px"}, 500, function(){
            $(this).animate({"top": "-=20px"}, 200);
        if (sevenPlus === true) {
            if (likeNew === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 7+ and functions like new.');
            } else if (minProb === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 7+ and has minor functional problems');
            } else if (nonFunc === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 7+ and device does NOT function.');
            } else {
        if (fourToSix === true) {
            if (likeNew === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 4-6 and functions like new.');
            } else if (minProb === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 4-6 and has minor functional problems');
            } else if (nonFunc === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 4-6 and device does NOT function.');
            } else {
        if (threeMin === true) {
            if (likeNew === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 1-3 and functions like new.');
            } else if (minProb === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 1-3 and has minor functional problems');
            } else if (nonFunc === true && iUnderstand === true) {
                alert('Condition is 1-3 and device does NOT function.');
            } else {

div.next单击处理程序移出另一个单击处理程序,每次单击实习生一个接一个调用的#verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple元素之一时,都会导致一个新的处理程序注册。

/*--------------Validation Functions-------------------*/
function chkradio() {
    var elem = document.forms['vzi5'].elements['element_0'];
    len = elem.length - 1;
    chkvalue = '';
    sevenPlus = false;
    fourToSix = false;
    threeMin = false;
    for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
        if (elem[i].checked) chkvalue = elem[i].value;
    if (chkvalue == '') {
        $('#radio-error').fadeIn('fast').effect("bounce", {
            times: 3
        }, 'fast', function () {
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 2000);
    if (chkvalue >= 7) {
        sevenPlus = true;
    } else if (chkvalue >= 4 && chkvalue <= 6) {
        fourToSix = true;
    } else {
        threeMin = true;
function chkselect() {
    var elem = document.forms['vzi5'].elements['element_1'];
    len = elem.length - 1;
    chkvalue = '';
    likeNew = false;
    minProb = false;
    nonFunc = false;
    for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
        if (elem[i].selected) chkvalue = elem[i].value;
    if (chkvalue == '') {
        $('#select-error').fadeIn('fast').effect("bounce", {
            times: 3
        }, 'fast', function () {
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 2000);
    } else if (chkvalue === 'Like New - No Functional Problems') {
        likeNew = true;
    } else if (chkvalue === 'Minor Functional Problems') {
        minProb = true;
    } else {
        nonFunc = true;
function chkbox() {
    var elem = document.forms['vzi5'].elements['element_2[]'];
    chkvalue = elem.checked;
    iUnderstand = true;
    if (chkvalue === true) {
    } else {
        iUnderstand = false;
        $('#check-error').fadeIn('fast').effect("bounce", {
            times: 3
        }, 'fast', function () {
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 2000);
//Calling the validation functions---------------------------
$('#verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple').click(function () {
        "top": "-414px"
    }, 100).fadeIn('fast', function () {});
        "top": "+=557px"
    }, 500, function () {
            "top": "-=20px"
        }, 200);
//move this out of the other click handler
$('div.next').click(function () {
    if (sevenPlus === true) {
        if (likeNew === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 7+ and functions like new.');
        } else if (minProb === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 7+ and has minor functional problems');
        } else if (nonFunc === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 7+ and device does NOT function.');
        } else {
    if (fourToSix === true) {
        if (likeNew === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 4-6 and functions like new.');
        } else if (minProb === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 4-6 and has minor functional problems');
        } else if (nonFunc === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 4-6 and device does NOT function.');
        } else {
    if (threeMin === true) {
        if (likeNew === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 1-3 and functions like new.');
        } else if (minProb === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 1-3 and has minor functional problems');
        } else if (nonFunc === true && iUnderstand === true) {
            alert('Condition is 1-3 and device does NOT function.');
        } else {


这是因为您将div.next的单击事件绑定到#verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple的单击事件中,因此每次单击外部事件时,都会重新绑定内部单击事件。通过将div.next的事件绑定移动到 #verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple 的单击事件之外来解决此问题

$('#verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple').click(function(){
    // .. contents here
    // ... contents here
每次单击 $('

#verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple') 时,您都会将 click 事件绑定到 $('div.next')。这意味着每次绑定时都会触发一次。将 $('div.next') 的代码移出 $('#verizon img.apple, #unlocked img.apple') 单击处理程序。
