
  • 本文关键字:余额 当前日期 计算 sql hive
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|client| card| date               | balance|
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 10:04:36|   1000 |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 10:07:28|   2980 |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 11:23:34|  -100  |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:32:33|  -200  |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:44:43|   100  |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|   2000 |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|  -2100 |


|client| card| date               | balance| bal_pos|
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 10:04:36|   1000 |   1    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 10:07:28|   2980 |   2    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 11:23:34|  -100  |   1    |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:32:33|  -200  |   0    |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:44:43|   100  |   1    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|   2000 |   2    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|  -2100 |   1    |



|client| card| date               | balance|
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 10:04:36|   1000 |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 10:07:28|   2980 |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 11:23:34|   100  |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:32:33|   200  |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:44:43|   100  |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|   2000 |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|   2100 |


|client| card| date               | balance| bal_pos|
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 10:04:36|   1000 |   1    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 10:07:28|   2980 |   2    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 11:23:34|   100  |   2    |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:32:33|   200  |   2    |
|  1   | 123 | 10-01-2018 12:44:43|   100  |   2    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|   2000 |   2    |
|  1   | 321 | 10-01-2018 14:00:28|   2100 |   2    |

您可以尝试以下查询 -

由于即使是时间戳也可以相同,您可以在分析功能上定义窗口子句(我已将int col for Order by by Arde而不是时间戳)

with t1 as (select 1 as client, 123 as card, 1 as orderBy, 1000 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 2 as orderBy, 2980 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 3 as orderBy, -100 as bal 
select 1 as client, 123 as card, 4 as orderBy, -200 as bal 
select 1 as client, 123 as card, 5 as orderBy, 100 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 6 as orderBy, 2000 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 6 as orderBy, -2100 as bal)
,res1 as (select client, card, orderBy, bal, case when bal>0 then 1 else -1 end as bal_type from t1)
select client, card, orderBy, bal, sum(bal_type) 
over (order by OrderBy asc, bal desc -- this to get output same as yours, but you will never be sure which bal you have to consider if time is same
rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as bal_pos from res1;

结果 -

1       123     1       1000    1
1       321     2       2980    2
1       321     3       -100    1
1       123     4       -200    0
1       123     5       100     1
1       321     6       2000    2
1       321     6       -2100   1


查询 -

with t1 as (select 1 as client, 123 as card, 1 as orderBy, 1000 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 2 as orderBy, 2980 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 3 as orderBy, -100 as bal 
select 1 as client, 123 as card, 4 as orderBy, -200 as bal 
select 1 as client, 123 as card, 5 as orderBy, 100 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 6 as orderBy, 2000 as bal 
select 1 as client, 321 as card, 6 as orderBy, -2100 as bal)
,res1 as (select client, card, orderBy, bal, case when bal>0 then 1 else -1 end as bal_type from t1)
select client, card, orderBy, bal, sum(bal_type) over (order by OrderBy 
-- range between unbounded preceding and current row -- check the results with range clause
) as bal_pos from res1;
1       123     1       1000    1
1       321     2       2980    2
1       321     3       -100    1
1       123     4       -200    0
1       123     5       100     1
1       321     6       -2100   1 -- sum of first row till current row but based on value of orderBy column (6)
1       321     6       2000    1

