

class LogData
  public string IndexPattern {get; set;}
  public string Version {get;set;}
  public string Type1 {get; set;}
  public string Type2 {get; set;}
  //here has a constructor of this class


List<LogData> logList = new List<LogData>();
logList.add(new LogData("1,2,4", "Ver1", "pro" , "etc" ) );
logList.add(new LogData("1", "Ver2", "pro" , "etc" ) );
logList.add(new LogData("2", "Ver1", "pro" , "etc" ) );
logList.add(new LogData("1,2,4", "Ver1", "pro" , "etc" ) );
logList.add(new LogData("1,5", "Ver2", "pro" , "set" ) );


[Index] [Version] [Type1] [Type2] [Count]
  1        Ver1     pro      etc    2
  2        Ver1     pro      etc    2
  4        Ver2     pro      etc    2
  1        Ver2     pro      etc    1
  1        Ver2     pro      set    1
  5        Ver2     pro      set    1
  4        Ver2     pro      set    1


var LogGroup = HackingLogs.GroupBy(g => new {
              IndexPattern = g.IndexPattern.SelectMany( new { Index = c => c 
               }),  //I must select many to get each splited  string
 }); //I group by this for each splited string and all member pairs to select 


您可以首先使用SelectMany和Project所有其他元素来板 IndexPattern。最后,按所有列分组并获得计数。这应该给您预期的输出: -

 var res = logList.SelectMany(x => x.IndexPattern.Split(',')
                                  .Select(z => new 
                                           Index = z, 
                                           Version = x.Version, 
                                           Type1 = x.Type1, 
                                           Type2 = x.Type2 
                   .GroupBy(x => new { x.Index, x.Version, x.Type1, x.Type2 })
                   .Select(x => new
                            Index = x.Key.Index,
                            Version = x.Key.Version,
                            Type1 = x.Key.Type1,
                            Type2 = x.Key.Type2,
                            Count = x.Count()


今天,我学到了linq 的魔法。这是不使用Linq



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program
    public class LogData
      public string IndexPattern {get; set;}
      public string Version {get;set;}
      public string Type1 {get; set;}
      public string Type2 {get; set;}
      //here has a constructor of LogData class
        public LogData(string indexPattern, string version, string type1, string type2){
            IndexPattern = indexPattern;
            Version = version;
            Type1 = type1;
            Type2 = type2;
    public class GridData
      public string Index {get; set;}
      public string Version {get;set;}
      public string Type1 {get; set;}
      public string Type2 {get; set;}
        public int count {get;set;}
      //here has a constructor of GridData class
        public GridData(string indexPattern, string version, string type1, string type2, int count){
            Index = indexPattern;
            Version = version;
            Type1 = type1;
            Type2 = type2;
            this.count = count;
    public static void Main(){
        List<LogData> logList = new List<LogData>();
        logList.Add(new LogData("1,2,4", "Ver1", "pro" , "etc" ) );
        logList.Add(new LogData("1", "Ver2", "pro" , "etc" ) );
        logList.Add(new LogData("2", "Ver1", "pro" , "etc" ) );
        logList.Add(new LogData("1,2,4", "Ver1", "pro" , "etc" ) );
        logList.Add(new LogData("1,5", "Ver2", "pro" , "set" ) );
        //Calculate the results
        Dictionary<string, GridData> result = GetResult(logList);
    //Read all data and Get result in tabular format
    public static Dictionary<string, GridData> GetResult(List<LogData> logList){
        //Initialization of local variable
        List<LogData> elements = new List<LogData>();
        Dictionary<string, GridData> output = new Dictionary<string, GridData>();
        //Iterate through each input
        foreach(LogData ld in logList){
            LogData temp = new LogData("", "", "", "");
            //Check for multiple Indexs in one list
                string[] strArr = ld.IndexPattern.Split(',');
                //Consider each index as one record; Time complexity: O(n*m) very bad
                foreach(string s1 in strArr){
                    temp = new LogData(s1, ld.Version, ld.Type1, ld.Type2);
                //Else record as it is
            //List elements contains all seperated records
            foreach(LogData logData in elements){
                //Create unique key by concatenating all properties into string
                string key = logData.IndexPattern + "_" +  logData.Version +"_"+ logData.Type1 +"_"+logData.Type2;
                //Increment counter if record is already exist
                    //Insert new record
                    GridData gd = new GridData(logData.IndexPattern, logData.Version, logData.Type1, logData.Type2, 1);
                    output.Add(key, gd);
        return output;
    //Display in tabular format
    public static void Display(Dictionary<string, GridData> output){
        foreach(string str in output.Keys){
            Console.WriteLine(output[str].Index +"t"+ output[str].Version +"t"+ output[str].Type1 +"t"+ output[str].Type2 +"t"+ output[str].count);

