值错误:可对预期的原始文本文档进行迭代,接收到字符串对象.使用 tfidf 和选择功能预测新的测试数据

所以我用sklearn朴素贝叶斯分类器构建了一个模型。 我需要知道如何用输入预测句子


new_sentence = ['its so broken']
new_testdata_tfidf= tfidf.transform(new_sentence) 
#transform it to matrix to see the score TFIDF on the training data
fit_feature_selection = selection.transform(new_testdata_tfidf) 
#transform the new data to see if the feature remove or not, because after tfidf i use chi2 selection feature.
predicted = classifier.predict(feature_selection )
#then predict it. the classificaiton out, the class is -1 which is the correct answer


new_sentence = input[('')] 
#i input the same sentence its so broken 
new_testdata_tfidf= tfidf.transform(new_sentence) 
#transform it to matrix to see the score TFIDF on the training data
fit_feature_selection = selection.transform(new_testdata_tfidf) 
#transform the new data to see if the feature remove or not, because after tfidf i use chi2 selection feature.
predicted = classifier.predict(feature_selection )


File "C:UsersMyfileOneDriveDesktopmodel.py", line 170, in <module>
new_testdata_tfidf= tfidf.transform(new_sentence) 
File "E:anaconda3libsite-packagessklearnfeature_extractiontext.py", line 1898, in transform
X = super().transform(raw_documents)
File "E:anaconda3libsite-packagessklearnfeature_extractiontext.py", line 1265, in transform
"Iterable over raw text documents expected, "
ValueError: Iterable over raw text documents expected, string object received.

如何解决这个问题? 任何帮助真的非常感谢。


new_testdata_tfidf= tfidf.transform([new_sentence])


如果您尝试在代码中传递带有new_sentence = input[('')]的字符串列表,则可能需要将其替换为

new_sentence = [input()]

