

Start     End  Strand Pattern                                                     Sequence
  43392   43420       + regex:[T][G][A][TC][C][CTG]D{15,17}[CA][G][T][AT][AT][CTA] TGATCGCACGCCGAATGGAAACACGTTTT
  52037   52064       + regex:[T][G][A][TC][C][CTG]D{15,17}[CA][G][T][AT][AT][CTA] TGACCCTGCTTGGCGATCCCGGCGTTTC
 188334  188360       + regex:[T][G][A][TC][C][CTG]D{15,17}[CA][G][T][AT][AT][CTA] TGATCGCGCAACTGCAGCGGGAGTTAC



我正在寻找类似Linux -F选项的内容,直接到达行中的"字段"以进行我的比较。


with open(textFile) as f:
    for line in f:


['  Start     End  Strand Pattern                                                     Sequencen']
['  43392   43420       + regex:[T][G][A][TC][C][CTG]\D{15,17}[CA][G][T][AT][AT][CTA] TGATCGCACGCCGAATGGAAACACGTTTTn']
['  52037   52064       + regex:[T][G][A][TC][C][CTG]\D{15,17}[CA][G][T][AT][AT][CTA] TGACCCTGCTTGGCGATCCCGGCGTTTCn']
[' 188334  188360       + regex:[T][G][A][TC][C][CTG]\D{15,17}[CA][G][T][AT][AT][CTA] TGATCGCGCAACTGCAGCGGGAGTTACn']







要解决这两者,您可以读取文件,将第一行视为标头(如果需要的话),然后按行读取其休息,剥离the the the the the the the thawing strail presition whitespace,检查是否有任何数据如果有 - 进一步将其分配在空格上以获取您的行元素:

with open("your_data", "r") as f:
    header = f.readline().split()  # read the first line as a header
    for line in f:  # read the rest of the file line-by-line
        line = line.strip()  # first clear out the whitespace
        if line:  # check if there is any content left or is it an empty line
            elements = line.split()  # split the data on whitespace to get your elements
            print(elements[-1])  # print the last element


with open("your_data", "r") as f:
    # read the header and turn it into a value:index map
    header = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(f.readline().split())}
    for line in f:  # read the rest of the file line-by-line
        line = line.strip()  # first clear out the whitespace
        if line:  # check if there is any content left or is it an empty line
            elements = line.split()
            print(elements[header["Sequence"]])  # print the Sequence element


update :这是创建标头映射的方法,然后使用它来构建dict

with open("your_data", "r") as f:
    # read the header and turn it into an index:value map
    header = {i: v for i, v in enumerate(f.readline().split())}
    for line in f:  # read the rest of the file line-by-line
        line = line.strip()  # first clear out the whitespace
        if line:  # check if there is any content left or is it an empty line
            # split the line, iterate over it and use the header map to create a dict
            row = {header[i]: v for i, v in enumerate(line.split())}
            print(row["Sequence"])  # ... or you can append it to a list for later use


import shutil
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
SOURCE_FILE = "your_data"  # path to the original file to process
def compare_func(seq):  # a simple comparison function for our sequence
    return not seq.endswith("TC")  # use Levenshtein distance or whatever you want instead
# open a temporary file for writing and our source file for reading
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as t, open(SOURCE_FILE, "r") as f:
    header_line = f.readline()  # read the header
    t.write(header_line)  # write the header immediately to the temporary file
    header = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(header_line.split())}  # create a header map
    last_line = ""  # a var to store the whitespace to keep the same format
    for line in f:  # read the rest of the file line-by-line
        row = line.strip()  # first clear out the whitespace
        if row:  # check if there is any content left or is it an empty line
            elements = row.split()  # split the row into elements
            # now lets call our comparison function
            if compare_func(elements[header["Sequence"]]):  # keep the line if True
                t.write(last_line)  # write down the last whitespace to the temporary file
                t.write(line)  # write down the current line to the temporary file
            last_line = line  # store the whitespace for later use
shutil.move(, SOURCE_FILE)  # finally, overwrite the source with the temporary file


