如何使用jQuery empty()方法在模态中更改消息


i具有函数 validateForm *,否则语句:如果正确填充所有字段,它将激活显示"消息1"的模态("您确定要发送您的信息吗?"(。否则,它将显示一条特定的消息(消息2,3,4或5(,该消息会因剩下的字段而有所不同(即:如果正确填充字段"名称",则模态将显示"请插入您的姓氏";如果两个字段都填充,模态将显示"请插入您的电子邮件";等等...(。

而不是我想填写的每个字段使用模态,我更喜欢使用模态,将ID与其相关联,并利用JQUERY .empty()方法将模态原始内容的文本覆盖模式的文本每个事件的文本(事件1:名称字段空;事件2:姓氏的字段,等等...(。


function validateForm(){    
console.log("test validateForm");
if ($('#name').val()=="") {
      $("#testoMyModal").html("Inserisci il nome");
    } else if ($('#surname').val()=="") {
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il cognome");
    } else if ($('#email').val()=="") {
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci l'indirizzo eMail");
    } else if ($('#numero').val()=="") {
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il numero di telefono");
    } else if ($('#commenti').val()=="") {
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il testo della richiesta");
    } else {



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如何通过使用模态中的消息来更改消息,使用 jQuery .empty()方法(通过将其与ID相关联,它与之相关(?

          • [s o l v e d] ------------>

我通过为用户必须填写的每个文本字段添加Bootstrap .modal("show")方法来解决问题。上一个说明是正确的,但是指定显示模式窗口所需的功能。


function validateForm(){    
console.log('function "validateForm" has been activated');  
if ($('#name').val()=="") {
      console.log('validate name');
      $("#testoMyModal").html("Inserisci il nome");
    } else if ($('#cognome').val()=="") {
      console.log('validate surname');
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il cognome");
    } else if ($('#email').val()=="") {
      console.log('validate email address');
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci l'indirizzo eMail");
    } else if ($('#numero').val()=="") {
      console.log('validate number');
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il numero di telefono");
    } else if ($('#commenti').val()=="") {
      console.log('validate text Area');
      $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il testo della richiesta");
    } else {
        console.log('all fields are filled :)');


function validateForm() {
  var showModal = true;
  if ($('#name').val() == "") {
    $("#testoMyModal").html("Inserisci il nome");
  } else if ($('#surname').val() == "") {
    $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il cognome");
  } else if ($('#email').val() == "") {
    $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci l'indirizzo eMail");
  } else if ($('#numero').val() == "") {
    $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il numero di telefono");
  } else if ($('#commenti').val() == "") {
    $('#testoMyModal').html("Inserisci il testo della richiesta");
  } else {
    showModal = false;
  if (showModal) $('#myModal2').modal('show');


甚至无需使用.empty()方法 - 如果您只使用.html(),它将覆盖以前的内容,甚至不使用.empty()

    var buttNum = this.id.split('_')[1];
    var content = $('#mdl'+buttNum).html();
    $('#myModal1 .modal-body').html(content);


  var buttNum = this.id.split('_')[1];
  var content = $('#mdl'+buttNum).html();
  $('#myModal1 .modal-body').html(content);
#mdl1, #mdl2, #mdl3{display:none;} /*  Hide the divs containing modal content */
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  <h3>Re-Using the Same Modal</h3>
  <!-- Trigger the modal with a button -->
  <button id="btn_1" type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal1">Open Modal One</button>
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  <button id="btn_3" type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal1">Ogden Nash Poem</button>
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      <div class="modal-content">
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    <div>Best Viewed Full-Screen -- Click outside modal to close modal</div>
    <form name="getinfo" onsubmit="return validateForm()" action="php/gmail.php" method="POST">
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        <label for="msg">E-mail:</label>
        <input type="email" id="mail" name="email" />
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      <h1>Image of an Animal</h1>
      <img src="http://placeimg.com/200/200/animals" />
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  <div id="mdl3">
      <div>Click outside modal to close modal</div>
      <h1>Poem by Ogden Nash</h1>
      <div style="font-size:1.4rem;">
		<div>The hands of the clock were reaching high</div>
		<div>In an old midtown hotel;</div>
		<div>I name no name, but its sordid fame</div>
		<div>Is table talk in hell.</div>
		<div>I name no name, but hell's own flame</div>
		<div>Illumes the lobby garish,</div>
		<div>A gilded snare just off Times Square</div>
		<div>For the maidens of the parish.</div>
		<div>The revolving door swept the grimy floor</div>
		<div>Like a crinoline grotesque,</div>
		<div>And a lowly bum from an ancient slum</div>
		<div>Crept furtively past the desk.</div>
		<div>His footsteps sift into the lift</div>
		<div>As a knife in the sheath is slipped,</div>
		<div>Stealthy and swift into the lift</div>
		<div>As a vampire into a crypt.</div>
  </div><!-- #mdl3 -->
