如何在 VBA 中引用变量矩阵中的整列或整行?

我花了很多时间寻找一种方法,如何在我在 VBA 中创建的矩阵中引用范围(列或行(。

一个简单的示例是循环遍历 4 x x 矩阵的第 4 行,以对列 x 的第 1 到 3 列求和。


x = 10
Dim Matrix() As Variant
ReDim Matrix(1 to 4, 1 to x)
For c = 1 to x
Matrix(4, c) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Matrix(1, c), Matrix(2, c), Matrix(3, c))


For c = 1 to x
Matrix(4, c) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Matrix(1, c), Matrix(3, c)))


*Run-time error '1004': Method 'range' of object '_Global' failed*



安 迪

正如 James Poag 所说,范围不是一个全局函数,必须与工作表相关联调用。 如果要使用该WorksheetFunction.Sum则必须将矩阵复制到工作表中。 在下面的示例中:

  1. 创建一个 4 x 10 的随机数矩阵,
  2. 创建一个新的工作表,
  3. 将矩阵复制到工作表,
  4. 使用WorksheetFunction.Sum添加区域的行,以及
  5. 删除VBA宏添加的工作表

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub Matrixer()
    Dim x As Long
    x = 10
    Dim matrix() As Double
    ReDim matrix(1 To 4, 1 To x)
    'Generate the matrix
    Dim rowNDX As Long
    Dim colNDX As Long
    For rowNDX = 1 To UBound(matrix, 1)
    For colNDX = 1 To UBound(matrix, 2)
    matrix(rowNDX, colNDX) = Rnd
    Next colNDX
    Next rowNDX
    'Write the maxtrix to a sheet
    'First add a worksheet to do the calculation
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Dim strName As String: strName = "MATRIXCALC"
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets.Add(Type:=xlWorksheet)
    With ws
    .Name = strName
    End With
    'Write the maxtrix to the sheet
    'This code was provide/adapted from Chip Pearson's blog at
    Dim Destination As Range
    Set Destination = ws.Range("A1")
    Destination.Resize(UBound(matrix, 1), UBound(matrix, 2)).Value = matrix
    'Use the worksheet function to Sum the range
    Dim RowSum(4) As Double
    Dim rngSum As Range
    For rowNDX = 1 To 4
    Set rngSum = ws.Range("A" & Trim(CStr(rowNDX)) & ":A" & Trim(CStr(UBound(matrix, 2))))
    RowSum(rowNDX) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(rngSum)
    Next rowNDX
    'Delete the worksheet added by the macro
    'Prevent asking user if it's ok to delete worksheet
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    'Turn application display alerts back on.
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
