为什么我的查询不起作用. 我写了一个查询来识别缺席人数和在场人数

select [First Name],[Last Name],Class,
select count([Date]) from Attendence where [Roll Number] ='1' and [Student Status] ='P' 
) as [No Of Present],
select count([Date]) from Attendence where [Roll Number] ='1' and [Student Status] ='A'
)as [No Of Absent]
from Attendence
where [Date] between '2018-09-1' and '2018-09-30'



select [First Name],[Last Name],Class from
count(case [Student Status] ='P' then 1 end) as [No Of Present], 
count(case [Student Status] ='A'  then 1 end)as [No Of Absent] 
from Attendence where [Date] between '2018-09-1' and '2018-09-30' and [Roll Number] ='1'
group by [First Name],[Last Name],Class



select [First Name], [Last Name], Class, 
sum(case when [Student Status] = 'P' then 1 else 0 end) as [No Of Present], 
sum(case when [Student Status] = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as [No Of Absent] 
from Attendence at
where [Date] between '2018-09-1' and '2018-09-30' and [Roll Number] = '1'
group by [First Name], [Last Name], Class;


select distinct [First Name],[Last Name],Class,
select count([Date]) from Attendence where [Roll Number] ='1' and [Student Status] ='P' 
) as [No Of Present],
select count([Date]) from Attendence where [Roll Number] ='1' and [Student Status] ='A'
)as [No Of Absent]
from Attendence
where [Date] between '2018-09-1' and '2018-09-30'
group by [First Name],[Last Name],Class
