



通过参考这篇文章(如何使用杰克逊定义可选的 json 字段(,我知道如何制作可选字段。但是,如果我想用如下所示javax.validation.constraints.Pattern检查它的长度:

@Pattern(regexp = "(?:.{0,12})?")
private final String country;


我尝试添加@Optional(org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Optional(并指定国家/地区,例如private final Optional<String> country;。我用这两种方法都没有成功。


import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern;
@JsonAutoDetect(creatorVisibility = Visibility.ANY, fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
@JsonPropertyOrder({Person.LAST_NAME, Person.FIRST_NAME, Person.COUNTRY})
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Person {
* The format string for the toString method
private static final String TO_STRING_FORMAT = "%S %s %s";
* JSON property name for the last name
static final String LAST_NAME = "lastName";
* JSON property name for the first name
static final String FIRST_NAME = "firstName";
* JSON property name for the country
static final String COUNTRY = "country";
* The last name of the person
private final String lastName;
* The first name of the person
private final String firstName;
* The country of the person
@Pattern(regexp = "(?:.{0,12})?")
private final String country;
* Returns an new {@code Person} with its properties initialized from parameters.
* @param lastName the last name of the person ({@link #lastName})
* @param firstName the first name of the person ({@link #firstName})
* @param country the country where the person live ({@link #country})
// Only used by Jackson for the JSON data deserialization
private Person(@JsonProperty(Person.LAST_NAME) String lastName, @JsonProperty(Person.FIRST_NAME) String firstName, @JsonProperty(Person.COUNTRY) String country) {
this.lastName = lastName.trim();
this.firstName = firstName.trim();
this.country = country.trim();
* Returns a new {@code Person} with its properties initialized from another one.
* @param person the instance used to create the new one
Person(Person person) {
this.lastName = person.lastName;
this.firstName = person.firstName;
this.country = person.country;
* Returns a textual representation of the {@code Person}: {@link #lastName} {@link #firstName} {@link #country}.
* <p>
* The {@code lastName} is converted to uppercase for better readability of the person's name.
* @return a string representation of the {@code Person}
public String toString() {
return String.format(Person.TO_STRING_FORMAT, this.lastName, this.firstName, this.country);


问题是我在国家/地区进行了trim()(可能是 NULL 值(。见下文:

private Person(@JsonProperty(Person.LAST_NAME) String lastName, @JsonProperty(Person.FIRST_NAME) String firstName, @JsonProperty(Person.COUNTRY) String country) {
this.lastName = lastName.trim();
this.firstName = firstName.trim();
this.country = country.trim();


我要感谢@TheOddCoder的解决方案。我的@Pattern正则表达式没有改变,但构造函数private Person(...)(@JsonCreator(更改了以下内容:

private Person(@JsonProperty(Person.LAST_NAME) String lastName, @JsonProperty(Person.FIRST_NAME) String firstName, @JsonProperty(Person.COUNTRY) String country) {
this.lastName = lastName.trim();
this.firstName = firstName.trim();
if(country == null) {
this.country = country;
} else {
this.country = country.trim();


private Person(@JsonProperty(Person.LAST_NAME) String lastName, @JsonProperty(Person.FIRST_NAME) String firstName, @JsonProperty(Person.COUNTRY) String country) {
this.lastName = lastName.trim();
this.firstName = firstName.trim();
if(country == null) { //here you could also use the string empty or null check of apache or guava
this.country = country;
} else {
this.country = country.trim();


