如何在VBA PowerPoint命令栏中制作切换按钮

我正试图在命令栏上制作一个切换按钮,但遇到了两个问题1(它一直在执行"removebeed",而不是在两者之间切换。2( 它没有显示按钮被切换。首先,我附上了菜单按钮代码,然后在按钮代码之后。非常感谢您的帮助,Jay

Set ToggleButton = oToolbar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With ToggleButton
.DescriptionText = "Switch bleed on or off"
.Caption = "Bleed on/off"
.OnAction = "ToggleButton"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
End With
Sub ToggleButton()
Static Toggle As Boolean
If Toggle = True Then
With Application.CommandBars.ActionControl
.State = Not .State
End With
Toggle = False ' changes the variable so next time it unpresses the button and runs the other macro
End If
End Sub
Sub AddBleed()
Dim WidthBleed As String
Dim HeightBleed As String
WidthBleed = 0.125 * 72
HeightBleed = 0.25 * 72
SWidth = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth
SHeight = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight
With Application.ActivePresentation.PageSetup
.SlideWidth = SWidth + WidthBleed
.SlideHeight = SHeight + HeightBleed
End With
End Sub
Sub RemoveBleed()
Dim WidthBleed As String
Dim HeightBleed As String
Dim SWidth As String
Dim SHeight As String
WidthBleed = 0.125 * 72
HeightBleed = 0.25 * 72
SWidth = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth
SHeight = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight
With Application.ActivePresentation.PageSetup
.SlideWidth = SWidth - WidthBleed
.SlideHeight = SHeight - HeightBleed
End With
End Sub

我需要将Toggle True添加到'Else'侧

Sub ToggleButton()
Static Toggle As Boolean
If Toggle = True Then
With Application.CommandBars.ActionControl
.State = Not .State
End With
Toggle = False ' changes the variable so next time it unpresses the button and runs the other macro
With Application.CommandBars.ActionControl 'unpresses the button
.State = Not .State
End With
Toggle = True 'changes the variable so next time it operates the other macro

End If
End Sub
