

为什么我想要这个?当我在foreach循环中调用函数时,我通常使用开关-Remember,因此它不会检查同一主机两次。为了能够正确地使用这个,我必须开始我所有的脚本,在那里我通过声明两个变量为空($Script:arrayCanPingResult=$script:tmpPingCheckServers=@{})来使用这个函数。我可以想象人们忘记把第一行放在他们的脚本中,当在PowerShell ISE编辑器中多次测试时,当主机已经在ISE中检查过一次时,它不会在第二次运行时再次进行测试(F5)。


# Function to check if $Server is online
Function Can-Ping ($Server,[switch]$Remember) {
    $PingResult = {
          # Return $true or $false based on the result from script block $PingCheck
          foreach ($_ in $Script:arrayCanPingResult) { 
                   # Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: $_ " -ForegroundColor Green
                   if ($Server -eq $($_.Split(",")[0])) {
                   #Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: We will return $($_.Split(",")[1])" -ForegroundColor Green
                    return $($_.Split(",")[1])  
    $PingCheck = {
        if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ErrorAction 0 -quiet) { # ErrorAction 0 doesn't display error information when a ping is unsuccessful
            Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: Ping test ok" -ForegroundColor Gray; $Script:arrayCanPingResult+=@("$Server,$true"); return
        else {
            Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: Ping test FAILED" -ForegroundColor Gray
            Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: Flushing DNS" -ForegroundColor Gray
            ipconfig /flushdns | Out-Null
            Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: Registering DNS" -ForegroundColor Gray
            ipconfig /registerdns | Out-Null
            Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: NSLookup" -ForegroundColor Gray
            nslookup $Server | Out-Null # Suppressing error here is not possible unless using '2> $null', but if we do this, we don't get $true or $false for the function so '| Out-Null' is an obligation
            if (!$?) {
                Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: NSlookup can't find the host '$Server', DNS issues or hostname incorrect?" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                # Write-Host $Error -ForegroundColor Red
                if ($SendMail) {
                    Send-Mail $MailTo "FAILED Ping test" "$(Get-TimeStamp) NSlookup can't find the host '$Server', hostname incorrect or DNS issues?" "<font color=`"red`">$error</font>"
                $script:arrayCanPingError += "ERROR | $(Get-TimeStamp) Ping test failed: NSlookup can't find the host '$Server', hostname incorrect or DNS issues?$error"
                $script:HTMLarrayCanPingError += "ERROR | $(Get-TimeStamp) Ping test failed:<br>NSlookup can't find the host '$Server', hostname incorrect or DNS issues?<br><font color=`"red`">$error</font>"
            else {
                Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: Re-pinging '$Server'" -ForegroundColor Gray
                if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ErrorAction 0 -Quiet) {
                   Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: Ping test ok, problem resolved" -ForegroundColor Gray
                else {
                      Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: DNS Resolving is ok but can't connect, server offline?" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                      if ($SendMail) {
                          Send-Mail $MailTo "FAILED Ping test" "$error" "DNS Resolving is ok but can't connect to $Server, server offline?"
                      $script:arrayCanPingError += "ERROR Ping test failed: DNS Resolving is ok but can't connect to $Server, server offline?$error"
                      $script:HTMLarrayCanPingError += "ERROR Ping test failed: DNS Resolving is ok but can't connect to $Server, server offline?<br><font color=`"red`">$error</font>"
    # Call the script block $PingAction every time, unless the switch $Remember is provided, than we only check each server once
    if ($Remember) {
        Write-Host "$(Get-TimeStamp) $Server > Function Can-Ping: Switch '-Remember' detected" -ForegroundColor Gray
        While ($tmpPingCheckServers -notcontains $Server) { 
                  $script:tmpPingCheckServers = @($tmpPingCheckServers+$Server) #Script wide variable, otherwise it stays empty when we leave the function / @ is used to store it as an Array (table) instead of a string
    else {


function Get-PingStatus {
        # Server object.
        [Bool]$UseLastPingResult = $false
    if ( ($UseLastPingResult) `
    -and (! [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Server.LastPingResult)) ) {
        # Return unmodified object if LastPingResult property is not empty.
        return $Server 
    try {
        $oPingResult = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server.Name `
        -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop
        $Server.LastPingResult = "success"
        # And just in case.
        $Server.IPV4Address = $oPingResult.IPV4Address
    catch {
        $Server.LastPingResult = "failure"
    return $Server


使用ErrorAction -Stop和try…finally也比ErrorAction -SilentlyContinue更好,之后检查一些变量

现在让我们假设$cServerNames是一个服务器名称或任何可以解析为IP地址的集合。示例:@("server1", "server2", "", "webserver.example.com") .

# Converting strings to objects.
$cServers = @()
foreach ($sServerName in $cServerNames) {
    $oServer = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        "Name" = $sServerName;
        "IPV4Address" = $null;
        "LastPingResult" = $null;
    $cServers += $oServer
# Now we can iterate objects and update their properties as necessary.
foreach ($oServer in $cServers) {
    $oServer = Get-PingStatus -Server $oServer -UseLastPingResult
    if ($oServer.LastPingResult -eq "success") {
        # Do something.
    } else {
        # Do something else like an error message.


最后,请注意,在大多数情况下,ping在生产代码中实际上是无用的。这是多余的,无论主人是否回复都不能证明什么。例如,ping可能没问题,但由于某种原因,在随后的get - wmiobject查询中会出现异常。如果您执行ping是出于性能原因(为了节省时间),您应该考虑通过后台作业或工作流并行运行脚本块。
