


Private Sub btnStart_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
        deleteCount = 0
        Dim i, x As Integer
        Dim reNamedTo As String
        Dim newFileURL, newFolderURL As String
        Dim folderInfo As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
        Dim processedNumberCount As Integer = 0
        Dim numberOfErrors As Integer = 0
        Dim fileSucessfullyDone As Integer
        '  cboPattern.SelectedIndex = 0
        btnList_Click(sender, e)
        For i = 0 To ListBoxFoldersToBeDone.Items.Count - 1
            newFolderURL = ListBoxFoldersToBeDone.Items(i).ToString
                'must download winZip command line 32 / 64 bit depending on the verion of winZip u have
                Dim dirInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(newFolderURL)
                Dim folderName As String = (dirInfo.Name)
                reNamedTo = newFolderURL & "" & folderName & ".zip"

                lblFolderBeingDone.Text = reNamedTo
                psiProcess.FileName = "C:Program FilesWinzipwzzip.exe"
                psiProcess.WorkingDirectory = newFolderURL
                psiProcess.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized
                psiProcess.ErrorDialog = False
                psiProcess.CreateNoWindow = True
                '  psiProcess.Arguments = ("" & " -a -p -r -m """ & reNamedTo & """ *.tif")
                psiProcess.Arguments = ("" & " -a -p -r """ & reNamedTo & """ *.tif")
                udtProc = Process.Start(psiProcess)
                'lblDeletingFiles.Text = reNamedTo
                processedNumberCount = processedNumberCount + 1
                lblCountItemsDone.Text = processedNumberCount.ToString
                pBar1.Value = processedNumberCount
            Catch ex As Exception
                numberOfErrors = numberOfErrors + 1
            End Try
        Dim title As String = "TIFF Files Zip Completed"
        Dim msg As String = "Process Complete , " & processedNumberCount & " files processed successfully.  " & numberOfErrors.ToString & " error(s) encountered"
        MessageBox.Show(msg, title)
        lblFolderBeingDone.Text = "-"
    End Sub


要使下面的代码工作,您需要有.Net 4.5,并且需要在项目中添加对System.IO.CompressionSystem.IO.Compression.FileSystem的引用。它遍历给定的文件夹,将文件添加到zip文件中,并在达到最大字节阈值时创建新的zip文件。此代码唯一的缺点是,最大字节阈值是根据未压缩的文件长度计算的,因为压缩的大小要到以后才能知道。但是,根据您的需求,这应该是一个问题。


Dim FolderToCompress = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
Dim FolderToSaveZipTo = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "ZIPs")
CompressFolder(FolderToCompress, FolderToSaveZipTo, "MyArchive", 1024 * 1024 * 50)


''' <summary>
''' Compress a given folder splitting the zip files based on a supplied maximum uncompressed file length.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="folderToCompress">The folder to compress.</param>
''' <param name="folderToSaveZipFilesTo">The folder to save the compress files to.</param>
''' <param name="zipFileNameWithoutExtension">The file excluding the .zip extension to save to.</param>
''' <param name="maximumBytesToCompressPerFile">The maximum number of uncompress bytes that will be put into each zip file.</param>
''' <param name="fileExtensionsNotToCompress">An array of file extensions, including the leading period, to store only and not compress.</param>
Public Shared Sub CompressFolder(
                                    folderToCompress As String,
                                    folderToSaveZipFilesTo As String,
                                    zipFileNameWithoutExtension As String,
                                    maximumBytesToCompressPerFile As Long,
                                    fileExtensionsNotToCompress() As String
    ''Create the directory if it doesn't exist already
    ''Create a formattable string that increments an index each time
    Dim FileNameFormatForZip = zipFileNameWithoutExtension & "_{0}.zip"
    Dim CurrentZipFileIndex = 0
    ''The total amount of uncompressed files process so far
    Dim CurrentUncompressedBytesProcessedSoFar As Long = 0
    ''Objects that we'll init below
    Dim FileStreamForZip As Stream = Nothing
    Dim Zip As ZipArchive = Nothing
    ''Loop through each file in the given directory including all child directories
    For Each FI In Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderToCompress, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
        ''Get the local file name relative to the parent directory
        Dim LocalName = FI.Replace(folderToCompress, "").TrimStart(""c)
        ''If we don't currently have a stream created, create one
        If FileStreamForZip Is Nothing Then
            Dim FileToSaveZipTo = Path.Combine(folderToSaveZipFilesTo, String.Format(FileNameFormatForZip, CurrentZipFileIndex))
            FileStreamForZip = New FileStream(FileToSaveZipTo, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
            Zip = New ZipArchive(FileStreamForZip, ZipArchiveMode.Create)
        End If
        ''Set a default compression level
        Dim CompressionLevel = System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel.Optimal
        ''However, if the current file extension is on our do not compress list then only set it to store
        If fileExtensionsNotToCompress.Contains(New System.IO.FileInfo(FI).Extension) Then
            CompressionLevel = Compression.CompressionLevel.NoCompression
        End If
        ''Create our zip entry
        Dim ZE = Zip.CreateEntry(LocalName, CompressionLevel)
        ''Add our file's contents to the entry
        Using ZipStream = ZE.Open()
            Using FileStream = File.Open(FI, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
            End Using
        End Using
        ''Increment our file byte counter by the uncompressed file's original size
        ''Unfortunately we can't use the ZE.CompressedLength because that is only available
        ''during the reading of a ZIP file
        CurrentUncompressedBytesProcessedSoFar += New System.IO.FileInfo(FI).Length
        ''If we're over the threshold for maximum bytes
        If CurrentUncompressedBytesProcessedSoFar >= maximumBytesToCompressPerFile Then
            ''Clean up and dispose of our objects
            Zip = Nothing
            FileStreamForZip = Nothing
            ''Reset our counter
            CurrentUncompressedBytesProcessedSoFar = 0
            ''Increment the current file index
            CurrentZipFileIndex += 1
        End If
    ''Clean up
    If Zip IsNot Nothing Then
        Zip = Nothing
    End If
    If FileStreamForZip IsNot Nothing Then
        FileStreamForZip = Nothing
    End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Compress a given folder splitting the zip files based on a supplied maximum uncompressed file length.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="folderToCompress">The folder to compress.</param>
''' <param name="folderToSaveZipFilesTo">The folder to save the compress files to.</param>
''' <param name="zipFileNameWithoutExtension">The file excluding the .zip extension to save to.</param>
''' <param name="maximumBytesToCompressPerFile">The maximum number of uncompress bytes that will be put into each zip file.</param>
Public Shared Sub CompressFolder(folderToCompress As String, folderToSaveZipFilesTo As String, zipFileNameWithoutExtension As String, maximumBytesToCompressPerFile As Long )
    CompressFolder(folderToCompress, folderToSaveZipFilesTo, zipFileNameWithoutExtension, maximumBytesToCompressPerFile, {".zip", ".mp4", ".wmv"})
End Sub
