将伪代码转换为 Scala 时遇到麻烦

我正在尝试使我的Scala代码像我的伪代码一样。我可以轻松地将伪代码转换为 Python 代码并获得所需的值。但是,我的 Scala 代码给出了各种错误。如何让我的 Scala 代码与伪代码执行相同的方式?


#def word(file, first_word, second_word):
#     -open file and read the file
#     -create a hash table called table_1
#     -create a hash table called table_2
#     -create a hash table called table_3
#     -create a empty string called string_1
#     -create a empty string called string_2
#     -loop through file line by line
#     -take every first word of each line as key and concatenate the
#      pronunciations of each line as value and store this in 
#       table_1
#     -loop through the keys and values in table_1
#     -loop through the values of table_1 and add only the values 
#      to string_1 that are not numeric values; this new string 
#      will now be the value of table_2 with the key still remaining 
#      as the word
#     -loop through the keys and values in table_2
#     -now take the string values of table_2 and reverse that 
#      backwards
#     -loop through the reversed string and keep adding the 
#      values to string_2 until you encounter a vowel.
#     -now you add this new string to table_3 as values with 
#      the same words as before as keys 
#     -if first_word is not in table_3 or second_word is not in 
#      table_3, then return an empty list
#     -if the values of first_word and the values of second_word 
#      are equal; then return True, meaning that the words rhyme
#    -if the values of first_word and the values of second_word 
#     are not equal; then return False, meaning that the words 
#     don't rhyme

这是伪代码的 scala 版本。它与伪代码不完全匹配,但也许它提供了一些有用的提示

val source = Source.fromFile(filename).getLines
// take every first word of each line as key and concatenate the
// pronunciations of each line as value and store this in table_1
val table1: Map[String, String] = source.map { line => 
                                                  val words = line.split(" ")
                                                  (words.head, words.drop(1).mkString)
// loop through the values of table_1 and add only the values 
// to string_1 that are not numeric values; this new string 
// will now be the value of table_2 with the key still remaining 
// as the word
val table2 = table1.map { case (key, value) => 
                              val string_1 = value.toCharArray
                              (key, string_1)
// -loop through the reversed string and keep adding the 
// values to string_2 until you encounter a vowel.
// -now you add this new string to table_3 as values with 
//the same words as before as keys
val table3 = table2.map { case (key, value) =>
                              val string_2 = value
                                           .takeWhile("AEIOU".indexOf(_) == -1)
                              (key, string_2 + value.charAt(value.length - 1 - string_2.length))
val first_word = "CAT"
val second_word = "xx"
if (table3.get(first_word).isDefined && table3.get(second_word).isDefined) {
    Left(table3.get(first_word).get == table3.get(second_word).get)
} else {
