我正在编写新的perl 5模块class :: tiny :: dinny :: CondectainedAccessor,以检查当您触摸对象属性,通过设置或获取默认值时检查类型约束。我正在编写单元测试,并想运行后一种情况的登录器。但是,我担心Perl可能会优化我的登录器功能调用,因为丢弃了返回值。会吗?如果是这样,我可以告诉它不要吗?相应的行为记录了吗?如果答案像"不用担心"一样简单,那就足够了,但是对文档的引用将不胜感激:)
。当我在Perl 5.26.2 x64 Cygwin上运行它时,以下MCVE成功了。但是,我不知道这是否可以保证,或者现在恰好起作用,可能有一天会改变。
use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception;
dies_ok { # One I know works
my $obj = Klass->new; # Default value of "attribute" is invalid
diag $obj->accessor; # Dies, because the default is invalid
} 'Bad default dies';
dies_ok {
my $obj = Klass->new;
$obj->accessor; # <<< THE QUESTION --- Will this always run?
} 'Dies even without diag';
{ package Klass;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless {@_}, $class }
sub check { shift; die 'oops' if @_ and $_[0] eq 'bad' }
sub default { 'bad' }
sub accessor {
my $self = shift;
if(@_) { $self->check($_[0]); return $self->{attribute} = $_[0] } # W
elsif(exists $self->{attribute}) { return $self->{attribute} } # R
else {
# Request to read the attribute, but no value is assigned yet.
# Use the default.
$self->check($self->default); # <<<---- What I want to exercise
return $self->{attribute} = $self->default;
} #accessor()
} #Klass
在JavaScript中,我会说void obj.accessor();
,然后我确定它会运行,但结果将被丢弃。但是,我不能使用undef $obj->accessor;
来产生类似的效果。Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call of &Klass::accessor
undef $obj->accessor
的意思是类似于 $obj->accessor = undef