
这是我第一次使用堆栈溢出,我有一个很大的问题。我想参加一个训练营,他们让我参加代码挑战。我正处于在运行剪刀石头布游戏的 HTML 页面上放置按钮的最后一步,但我无法弄清楚如何将 HTML 按钮链接到 javascript 函数。另外,我不知道如何创建一个在单击 HTML 按钮时运行的 javascript 函数。请帮忙!

<title>Lapis Papyrus Scalpellus</title>
<h1>Lapis Papyrus Scalpellus</h1>
<h2>Welcome to the ancient Showdown!!</h2>
<button id="Lapis">Lapis</button> 
<button id="Papyrus">Papyrus</button> 
<button id="Scalpellus">Scalpellus</button>
<h3>Pick your choice above!</h3>
<p id=results></p>

//Player's choice is everychanging so use let; USE OBJECT
let playerChoice = {
move: null,
//Computer's choice is everchanging so use let; USE OBJECT
let computerChoice = {
move: null,
document.querySelector(".Lapis").onclick = function(e) {
//ONLY 3 choices so keep it constant; USE ARRAY; 
const choices = ["Lapis", "Papyrus", "Scalpellus"];
playerChoice.move = choices[0];
//Runs the formula randomly through "choices" array and rounds down the answer; Below code is wrapped in computer choice function.
function computerChooses() {    
const indexChoices = Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length);     
computerChoice.move = choices[indexChoices];  
//Changed console.log to document.write to see if it prints on HTML and it works.
function compareChoices(){
if (playerChoice.move === computerChoice.move) {
document.write("The game is a tie. Both players chose " + computerChoice.move + "!");
}else if (computerChoice.move === choices[2]){
if (playerChoice.move === choices[0]){
document.write("Player chose " + playerChoice.move + " and Computer chose " + computerChoice.move + ", Player Wins!");
}else {
document.write("Computer chose " + computerChoice.move + " and Player chose " + playerChoice.move + ", Whomp Whomp WHOMP Computer Wins!");
}else if (computerChoice.move === choices[0]){
if (playerChoice.move === choices[1] ){
document.write("Player chose " + playerChoice.move + " and Computer chose " + computerChoice.move + ", Whomp Whomp WHOMP Computer Wins!");
}else {
document.write("Computer chose " + computerChoice.move + " and Player chose " + playerChoice.move + ", Player Wins!");
}else if (computerChoice.move === choices[1]){
if (playerChoice.move === choices[2] ){
document.write("Player chose " + playerChoice.move + " and Computer chose " + computerChoice.move + ", Player Wins!");
document.write("Computer chose " + computerChoice.move + " and Player chose " + playerChoice.move + ", Whomp Whomp WHOMP Computer Wins!")

//called compareChoices function to let the game start
let yourButton = document.querySelector('.your_button_selector')
yourButton.addEventListener('click', function(){/*your code here*/})



