C++ 寄送分配将自动终止

  • 本文关键字:终止 分配 C++ c++
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int distanceunit = 500;
double rate = 0, shippingcost=0;
int weight=0, distance=0, Distanceunit2=0;
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << "How much does the package weigh in pounds?";
cin >> weight;
//Shipping rate`---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//if (weight <= 0) {
//  cout << "The weight should be greater than 0" << endl;
//}//need to include else
//if (weight >20) {
//  cout << "The weight should be 20" << endl;
//else {
//  cout << "How far will the package be going?"<<endl;
//  cin >> distance;
if (weight <= 0 || weight >20) {
cout << "We only accept packages between 1 to 20 kg."<<endl;
cout << "Enter new weight"<<endl;
cin >> weight;
else {
cout << "Enter the distance to be shipped(in miles):";
cin >> distance;

if (distance < 10 || distance>3000) {
cout << "The distance you entered is not in the mn and max range" << endl;
cout << "Enter new distance" << endl;
cin >> distance;
Distanceunit2 = distance / distanceunit;
if (weight <= 2) {
rate = 1.10;
else if (weight > 2 && weight <= 6) {
rate = 2.20;
else if (weight > 6 && weight <= 10) {
rate = 3.70;
else {
rate = 4.80;
if (distance%distanceunit != 0) {
shippingcost = Distanceunit2 * rate;
else {
shippingcost = rate;

cout << "The cost to ship a package that weighs " << weight
<< " kilograms for a distance of " << distance
<< " miles is $" << shippingcost << endl << endl;

return 0;

另一个问题是它会验证我的体重一次,但在第二次尝试时,它会自动进入 else 块。因此,如果我为我的体重输入 0,它说它不能是 0。我再次尝试 21,它会自动询问我的距离,而不是再次验证它。它对我的距离做了同样的事情。



int promptForInt(std::string promptTxt, 
std::string label, 
std::string units)
int t = 0;
std::cout << promptTxt;  
cin >> t;
cout << "n  " << label << "  " << t 
<< "  " << units << std::endl;
return t;



weight = promptForInt("n  How much does the package weigh in pounds?",
"weight:", "pounds");
// range check prompt loop
while ((weight <= 0) || (weight >20))
cout << "n  We only accept packages between 1 to 20 kg."<<endl;
weight = promptForInt(
"n  How much does the package weigh in pounds?", 
"weight:", "pounds");

