

Function stageValueVariance(stage As String, valCol As Long)
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To offlineHeight
If Application.VLookup(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i).value, bce.DataBodyRange, valCol, 0) <> offline.ListColumns(valCol).Range(i).value Then
If oldOut.ListRows.Count <> 0 Then
foundID = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i), oldOut.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, 0)
If foundID <> 0 Then
oldOutPresent = True
End If
ElseIf valComp.ListRows.Count <> 0 Then
foundID = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i), valComp.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, 0)
If foundID <> 0 Then
valCompPresent = True
End If
End If
If oldOutPresent = False And valCompPresent = False Then
With stageValComp.ListRows.Add
.Range(1) = offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i)
.Range(2) = offline.ListColumns(2).Range(i)
.Range(3) = stage
.Range(4) = offline.ListColumns(7).Range(i)
.Range(5) = Application.VLookup(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i).value, bce.DataBodyRange, valCol, 0)
.Range(6).Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Formula1:="Yes, No"
End With
End If
foundID = 0
oldOutPresent = True
valCompPresent = True
End If
Next i
End Function


'find stage value variances and populate data
Call stageValueVariance("Design", 7)
Call stageValueVariance("Guides", 9)
Call stageValueVariance("Lintels", 11)
Call stageValueVariance("Install", 13)





Function stageValueVariance(stage As String, valCol As Long)
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To offlineHeight
If Application.VLookup(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i).value, bce.DataBodyRange, valCol, 0) <> offline.ListColumns(valCol).Range(i).value Then
If oldOut.ListRows.Count <> 0 Then
foundID = Application.Match(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i), oldOut.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, 0)
If foundID <> 0 Then
oldOutPresent = True
End If
ElseIf valComp.ListRows.Count <> 0 Then
foundID = Application.Match(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i), valComp.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, 0)
If foundID <> 0 Then
valCompPresent = True
End If
End If
If oldOutPresent = False And valCompPresent = False Then
With stageValComp.ListRows.Add
.Range(1) = offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i)
.Range(2) = offline.ListColumns(2).Range(i)
.Range(3) = stage
.Range(4) = offline.ListColumns(valCol).Range(i)
.Range(5) = Application.VLookup(offline.ListColumns(1).Range(i).value, bce.DataBodyRange, valCol, 0)
.Range(6).Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Formula1:="Yes, No"
End With
End If
foundID = 0
oldOutPresent = False
valCompPresent = False
End If
Next i
End Function

