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            <h1>Over 27,000,000</h1>
            <h4>is the current estimate of slaves worldwide. More than at any point in human history. Every 30 seconds, another person falls victim to the human trafficking industry. Often these slaves are kidnapped or sold by families under desperate circumstances. As the demand to exploit men, women and children for manual and sexual labor increases, the average age of victims continues to fall.</h4>
            <h2>We believe</h2>
            <h4>these statistics are unacceptable. These are not mere numbers, they represent lost and stolen human lives, lives which we are relentlessly fighting for. Together we are investing our lives, devoting our unique skills and resources to bring justice and freedom to those that desperately need it, both locally, here in Buena Vista, CO, and globally. </h4>
            <h4>Get involved and be their voice!</h4>


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      font-family: 'Love Ya Like A Sister', cursive;
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    color: #A80000;

我对您的代码做了很多改动。.jumbotronheight: 600px正在丢弃它。以下是我认为您正在寻找的。。。让我知道。

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<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6">
            <h1>Over 27,000,000</h1>
            <h4>is the current estimate of slaves worldwide. More than at any point in human history. Every 30 seconds, another person falls victim to the human trafficking industry. Often these slaves are kidnapped or sold by families under desperate circumstances. As the demand to exploit men, women and children for manual and sexual labor increases, the average age of victims continues to fall.</h4>
            <h2>We believe</h2>
            <h4>these statistics are unacceptable. These are not mere numbers, they represent lost and stolen human lives, lives which we are relentlessly fighting for. Together we are investing our lives, devoting our unique skills and resources to bring justice and freedom to those that desperately need it, both locally, here in Buena Vista, CO, and globally. </h4>
            <h4>Get involved and be their voice!</h4>

看起来我可以从另一个答案中使用background size: 100% 100%。它比contain更扭曲图像,但我可以接受它。


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