

DFS需要避免重访节点,所以我需要某种"状态"来进行搜索(目前是一个元组,我应该使用state Monad吗?)。第一次搜索应该返回一个重新排序的Vector,但我现在通过返回一个重新排序的Node索引列表来保持事情的简单,以便我可以随后一次处理Vector。




type NodeName = Int
type Edges    = [NodeName]
type Explored = Bool
type Stack    = [(Int, Int)]
data Node  = Node NodeName Explored Edges Edges deriving (Eq, Show)
type Graph = Vector Node
main = do
    edges <- V.fromList `fmap` getEdges "SCC.txt"
        maxIndex = fst $ V.last edges
        gr = createGraph maxIndex edges
        res = dfsOuter gr
    --return gr
    putStrLn $ show res
dfsOuter gr = 
    let tmp = V.foldr' callInner (gr,[]) gr
    in snd tmp
callInner :: Node -> (Graph, Stack) -> (Graph, Stack)
callInner (Node idx _ fwd bwd) (gr,acc) = 
    let (Node _ explored _ _) = gr V.! idx
    in case explored of
        True  -> (gr, acc)
        False ->
                initialStack = map (l -> (idx, l)) bwd
                gr' = gr V.// [(idx, Node idx True fwd bwd)]
                (gr'', newScc) = dfsInner idx initialStack (length acc) (gr', [])
            in (gr'', newScc++acc)
dfsInner :: NodeName -> Stack -> Int -> (Graph, [(Int, Int)]) -> (Graph, [(Int, Int)])
dfsInner start [] finishCounter (gr, acc) = (gr, (start, finishCounter):acc)
dfsInner start stack finishCounter (gr, acc)
    | nextStart /= start =                      -- no more places to go from this node
        dfsInner nextStart stack (finishCounter + 1) $ (gr, (start, finishCounter):acc)
    | nextExplored = 
-- nextExplored || any ((y,_) -> y == stack0Head) stack || any ((x,_) -> x == stack0Head) acc =
        dfsInner start (tail stack) finishCounter (gr, acc)
    | otherwise =
        dfsInner nextEnd (add2Stack++stack) finishCounter (gr V.// [(nextEnd, Node idx True nextLHS nextRHS)], acc)
--      dfsInner gr stack0Head (add2Stack++stack) finishCounter acc
        (nextStart, nextEnd) = head stack
        (Node idx nextExplored nextLHS nextRHS) = gr V.! nextEnd
        add2Stack = map (l -> (nextEnd, l)) nextRHS





性能在这里被V.//杀死。向量是内存中已装箱或未装箱的不可变连续数组。因此,修改它们需要复制整个向量。因为我们有O(N)个这样的修改,所以整个算法是O(N ^2),所以我们必须复制大约2tb, N = 500000。因此,在向量内标记访问节点并没有多大用处。相反,根据需要构建索引的IntSet

initialStack (length acc)看起来也很糟糕。在大列表上使用length几乎从来都不是一个好主意,因为它也是O(n)。它可能不像代码中的//那么糟糕,因为它位于一个相对很少发生的分支中,但在我们纠正了向量问题之后,它仍然会使性能受损。


根据@andras的要点,我重写了我的代码如下:我没有使用箭头函数,因为我不熟悉它们,我的第二次深度搜索在风格上与第一次相同(而不是@Andras filterM方法)。最终的结果是,它完成的时间是Andras代码的20%(21秒而不是114秒)。

import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
--import Criterion.Main
--getEdges :: String -> IO [(Int, Int)]
getEdges file = do
    lines <- (map BS.words . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile file
        pairs = (map . map) (maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt) lines
        pairs' = [(a, b) | [a, b] <- pairs]         -- adds 9 seconds
        maxIndex = fst $ last pairs'
        graph = createGraph maxIndex pairs'
    return graph
main = do
    graph <- getEdges "SCC.txt"
        --maxIndex = fst $ V.last edges
        fts = bwdLoop graph
        leaders = fst $ execState (fwdLoop graph fts) ([], IS.empty)
    print $ length leaders
type Connections = [Int]
data Node = Node {fwd, bwd :: Connections} deriving (Show)
type Graph = V.Vector Node
type Visited = IS.IntSet
type FinishTime = Int
type FinishTimes = [FinishTime]
type Leaders = [Int]
createGraph :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Graph
createGraph maxIndex pairs = 
        graph  = V.replicate (maxIndex+1) (Node [] [])
        graph' = V.accum ((Node f b) x -> Node (x:f) b) graph  pairs
    in           V.accum ((Node f b) x -> Node f (x:b)) graph' $ map ((a,b) -> (b,a)) pairs
bwdLoop :: Graph -> FinishTimes
bwdLoop g = fst $ execState (mapM_ go $ reverse [0 .. V.length g - 1]) ([], IS.empty) where
    go :: Int -> State (FinishTimes, Visited) ()
    go i = do
        (fTimes, vs) <- get
        let visited = IS.member i vs
        if not visited then do
            put (fTimes, IS.insert i vs)
            mapM_ go $ bwd $ g V.! i
            -- get state again after changes from mapM_
            (fTimes', vs') <- get
            put (i : fTimes', vs')
        else return ()
fwdLoop :: Graph -> FinishTimes -> State (Leaders, Visited) ()
fwdLoop _ [] = return ()
fwdLoop g (i:fts) = do
    (ls, vs) <- get
    let visited = IS.member i vs
    if not visited then do
        put (i:ls, IS.insert i vs)
        mapM_ go $ fwd $ g V.! i
    else return ()
    fwdLoop g fts
        go :: Int -> State (Leaders, Visited) ()
        go i = do
            (ls, vs) <- get
            let visited = IS.member i vs
            if not visited then do
                put (ls, IS.insert i vs)
                mapM_ go $ fwd $ g V.! i
            else return ()
