

String sampleContent="hello ; hai ;  come fast ;";
            String SQLScripts[] = sampleContent.split("(?=\;)",-1);
            System.out.println(" SQLSCript Length is:"+SQLScripts.length);
            for(int m=0;m<SQLScripts.length;m++){
                System.out.println("After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : "+SQLScripts[m]);


 SQLSCript Length is:4
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : hello ;
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : hai ;
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : come fast ;


 SQLSCript Length is:4
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : hello 
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : ; hai 
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : ;  come fast 
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : ;


  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String sampleContent = "hello ; hai ; come fast ;";
    String SQLScripts[] = sampleContent.split("(?<=;)",-1);
    System.out.println("SQLSCript Length is:"+SQLScripts.length);
    for(int m=0;m<SQLScripts.length-1;m++){
        System.out.println("After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : "+SQLScripts[m]);


  SQLSCript Length is:4
  After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : hello ;
  After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is :  hai ;
  After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is :  come fast ;


String sampleContent="hello ; hai ;  come fast ;";
String SQLScripts[] = sampleContent.split("(?<=;)\s+");
System.out.println(" SQLSCript Length is:"+SQLScripts.length);
for(int i=0;i<SQLScripts.length;i++){
    System.out.println("After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : "+SQLScripts[i]);


 SQLSCript Length is:3
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : hello ;
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : hai ;
After SQLScripts spliting with semi colon is : come fast ;
