
我如何从gcc C代码构建一个AST(抽象语法树)来进行一些转换,如下面所示,然后再次将代码复制(生成)为C语法?

     //lines of code 1
    #ifdef expression_1
        else if(condition_2){
           //lines of code 2


bool test = condition_1;
 //lines of code 1
#ifdef expression_1
  if(!(test) && condition_2){
    //lines of code 2



一个这样的再工程解析器是我们的DMS软件再工程工具包及其C前端,它处理许多C方言,包括GCC 2/3/4/5。它被明确地设计为捕获预处理器条件(包括您的特定示例)。DMS还支持使用源到源转换来执行转换。


void main () {
  if (condition_1) {
  #ifdef expression_1
  else if (condition_2) {

DMS C~GCC4解析器(开箱即用)生成以下AST:

C:DMSDomainsCGCC4ToolsParserSource>run ..domainparser ++AST C:temptest.c
C~GCC4 Domain Parser Version 3.0.1(28449)
Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Semantic Designs, Inc; All Rights Reserved; SD Confidential
Powered by DMS (R) Software Reengineering Toolkit
AST Optimizations: remove constant tokens, remove unary productions, compact sequences
Using encoding Unicode-UTF-8?ANSI +CRLF +1 /^I
28 tree nodes in tree.
(translation_unit@C~GCC4=2#3cde920^0 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/test.c
 (function_definition@C~GCC4=966#3cde740^1#3cde920:1 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/test.c
  (function_head@C~GCC4=967#3047320^1#3cde740:1 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/test.c
   (simple_type_specifier@C~GCC4=686#3047180^1#3047320:1 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/test.c)simple_type_specifier
   (direct_declarator@C~GCC4=852#3047380^1#3047320:2 Line 1 Column 6 File C:/temp/test.c
   |(IDENTIFIER@C~GCC4=1531#3047160^1#3047380:1[`main'] Line 1 Column 6 File C:/temp/test.c)IDENTIFIER
   |(parameter_declaration_clause@C~GCC4=900#30473c0^1#3047380:2 Line 1 Column 12 File C:/temp/test.c)parameter_declaration_clause
  (compound_statement@C~GCC4=507#3cde1e0^1#3cde740:2 Line 1 Column 14 File C:/temp/test.c
   (selection_statement@C~GCC4=539#3cde940^1#3cde1e0:1 Line 2 Column 3 File C:/temp/test.c
   |(if_head@C~GCC4=550#30476e0^1#3cde940:1 Line 2 Column 3 File C:/temp/test.c
   | (IDENTIFIER@C~GCC4=1531#30473e0^1#30476e0:1[`condition_1'] Line 2 Column 7 File C:/temp/test.c)IDENTIFIER
   |(compound_statement@C~GCC4=507#3cde700^1#3cde940:2 Line 2 Column 20 File C:/temp/test.c
   | (expression_statement@C~GCC4=503#3047740^1#3cde700:1 Line 3 Column 6 File C:/temp/test.c
   |  (postfix_expression@C~GCC4=205#3047720^1#3047740:1 Line 3 Column 6 File C:/temp/test.c
   |   (IDENTIFIER@C~GCC4=1531#3047700^1#3047720:1[`x'] Line 3 Column 6 File C:/temp/test.c)IDENTIFIER
   |  )postfix_expression#3047720
   | )expression_statement#3047740
   |(if_directive@C~GCC4=1088#3cde7a0^1#3cde940:3 Line 5 Column 3 File C:/temp/test.c
   | ('#'@C~GCC4=1548#3cde820^1#3cde7a0:1[Keyword:0] Line 5 Column 3 File C:/temp/test.c)'#'
   | (IDENTIFIER@C~GCC4=1531#3cde1c0^1#3cde7a0:2[`expression_1'] Line 5 Column 10 File C:/temp/test.c)IDENTIFIER
   | (new_line@C~GCC4=1578#3cde800^1#3cde7a0:3[Keyword:0] Line 5 Column 22 File C:/temp/test.c)new_line
   |(selection_statement@C~GCC4=527#3cde840^1#3cde940:4 Line 6 Column 8 File C:/temp/test.c
   | (IDENTIFIER@C~GCC4=1531#3047340^1#3cde840:1[`condition_2'] Line 6 Column 12 File C:/temp/test.c)IDENTIFIER
   | (compound_statement@C~GCC4=507#3cde860^1#3cde840:2 Line 6 Column 25 File C:/temp/test.c
   |  (expression_statement@C~GCC4=503#3cde8a0^1#3cde860:1 Line 7 Column 12 File C:/temp/test.c
   |   (postfix_expression@C~GCC4=205#3cde880^1#3cde8a0:1 Line 7 Column 12 File C:/temp/test.c
   |   |(IDENTIFIER@C~GCC4=1531#3cde780^1#3cde880:1[`y'] Line 7 Column 12 File C:/temp/test.c)IDENTIFIER
   |   )postfix_expression#3cde880
   |  )expression_statement#3cde8a0
   | )compound_statement#3cde860
   |(endif_directive@C~GCC4=1092#3cde8c0^1#3cde940:5 Line 9 Column 3 File C:/temp/test.c
   | ('#'@C~GCC4=1548#3cde900^1#3cde8c0:1[Keyword:0] Line 9 Column 3 File C:/temp/test.c)'#'
   | (new_line@C~GCC4=1578#3cde8e0^1#3cde8c0:2[Keyword:0] Line 9 Column 9 File C:/temp/test.c)new_line



    default domain C~GCC4; // tells DMS to use C domain with GCC4 dialect
    rule transform_pp_conditional_else(c1: condition, c2: condition,
                                       s1: statements, s2: statements, 
                                       pc1: preprocessor_condition):
         statement -> statement
      "if (c1) { s1 }
       #ifdef pc1
       else if (c2) { s2 }
       "{ bool test=c1;
          if (test) { s1 }
          #ifdef pc1
          if (!test && c2) { s2 }

