


-- | Creates a new field based on the item's metadata. If the metadata field is
-- not present then no field will actually be created. Otherwise, the value will
-- be passed to the given function and the result of that function will be used
-- as the field's value.
transformedMetadataField :: String -> String -> (String -> String) -> Context a
transformedMetadataField key itemName f = field key $ item -> do
    fieldValue <- getMetadataField (itemIdentifier item) itemName
    return $ maybe (fail $ "Value of " ++ itemName ++ " is missing") f fieldValue


transformedMetadataField "meta_description" "meta_description" escapeHtml


    <meta name="description" content="$meta_description$"/>

在元数据中没有meta_description的页面上,将生成以下 HTML:

    <meta name="description" content=""/>



您需要返回 Control.Applicative 的"空"以使字段完全不存在。 我自己的代码中的一个例子:

-- What we're trying to do is produce a field that *doesn't* match
-- key in the case where the metadata "header" is not set to "no" or
-- "false"; matching it and returning false or whatever
-- (makeHeaderField above) isn't working, so any call to "field" is
-- guaranteed to not work
makeHeaderField :: String -> Context a
makeHeaderField key = Context $ k _ i -> do
    if key == k then do
      value <- getMetadataField (itemIdentifier i) "header"
      if isJust value then
        if elem (fromJust value) [ "no", "No", "false", "False" ] then
          -- Compiler is an instance of Alternative from
          -- Control.Applicative ; see Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Internal.hs
          return $ StringField $ fromJust value
        return $ StringField "yes makeheader"

哦,我忘了:正如我的代码注释上面指定的那样,在这种情况下您不能使用 hakyll "field" 函数,因为在字段名称匹配的情况下,"field" 总是将字段视为存在。 您必须从"field"复制代码才能在您想要的地方获得自己的 CA.empty 返回,就像我上面所做的那样(CA 是 Control.Applicative)。


-- | Creates a new field based on the item's metadata. If the metadata
-- field is not present then no field will actually be created.
-- Otherwise, the value will be passed to the given function and the
-- result of that function will be used as the field's value.
transformedMetadataField :: String -> String -> (String -> String) -> Context a
transformedMetadataField newKey originalKey f = Context $ k _ i -> do
    if k == newKey
       then do
           value <- getMetadataField (itemIdentifier i) originalKey
           maybe empty (return . StringField . f) value
       else empty
