使用多个左连接在select new linq查询中设置DTO属性

我在MVC 6 (beta8)控制器中有以下代码:

public IActionResult Get()
        var districtsdetails = from districts in _ctx.District
            select new
                Id = districts.Id,
                CountyFP = districts.County.FIPSCode,
                DirectorName = districts.DirectorName,
                Email = districts.Email,
                EstStudentPop = districts.EstStudentPop,
                Name = districts.Name,
                Phone = districts.Phone,
                Ranking = districts.Ranking,
                RANumber = districts.RANumber,
                SchoolCount = districts.SchoolCount,
                Coop = districts.Coop.Name,
                County = districts.County.Name,
                Distributors = (from district in _ctx.District
                               join districtdistributor in _ctx.DistrictDistributor on district.Id equals districtdistributor.DistrictId
                               into group1
                               from g1 in group1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               join distributor in _ctx.Distributor on g1.DistributorId equals distributor.Id
                               into group2
                               from g2 in group2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               where district.Id == districts.Id
                               select new { g2.Id, g2.Name })
        if (districtsdetails == null)
            return HttpNotFound();

        return new JsonResult(districtsdetails);



In the Distributor =(…)我试图有效地重现这个SQL:

select (...)
from [District] D
left join [DistrictDistributor] DD on
    DD.DistrictId = D.Id
left join [Distributor] Db on
    Db.Id = DD.DistributorId
where id = 57


HTTP错误502.3 -坏网关指定的CGI应用程序遇到错误,服务器终止进程。



var query =
    from district in _ctx.District.AsNoTracking()
    select new
        Id = district.Id,
        Name = district.Name,
        // the rest of the district related fields
        // ...
        Distributors =
        from dd in _cxt.DistrictDistributor
        where dd.DistrictId == district.Id
        join d in _ctx.Distributor on dd.DistributorId equals d.Id
        select new { d.Id, d.Name }


var query =
    from district in _ctx.District.AsNoTracking()
    select new
        Id = district.Id,
        Name = district.Name,
        // the rest of the district related fields
        // ...
        Distributors = district.Distributors.Select(d => new { d.Id, d.Name })
