使用Memcache和Doctrine 1.2的多域缓存

所以,我有一个问题,一个引擎上的五个域,引擎使用Doctrine 1.2 ORM,所有查询缓存与memcache(Doctrine_Cache_Memcache)。如何使前缀键为每个域和获取由domainprefix_key缓存?谢谢。


class DomainCache extends Doctrine_Cache_Memcache
    private function _getDomain()
        // this could pull from config, a database, it
        // could even be hardcoded on a per-project basis - YMMV!
     * Given the normal id the application would use, prefix
     * it with the appropriate domain.
    private function _getDomainId($id)
        return $this->_getDomain() . '_' . $id;
     * Save a cache record directly. This method is implemented by the cache
     * drivers and used in Doctrine_Cache_Driver::save().
     * Overridden such that a domain-specific key is used.
     * @param string $id        cache id
     * @param string $data      data to cache
     * @param int $lifeTime     if != false, set a specific lifetime for this
     *                          cache record (null => infinite lifeTime)
     * @return boolean true if no problem
    protected function _doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime = false)
        return parent::_doSave($this->_getDomainId($id), $data, $lifeTime);

