如何从嵌套操作方法调用 WebAPI 中的验证中跳过自定义属性

In an Web api Action controller.每个操作方法都使用属性扩展操作筛选器属性进行修饰,以便进行安全验证。


是否可以只检查一次 OnActionExecute 并仅跳过对子操作方法调用的检查?

public class WebApiController
public IActionResult ActionMethod1()
WebApiController222 obj = new WebApiController222()
obj.ActionMethod2(); // Calling to second Action Methods

public class WebApiController222

public IActionResult ActionMethod2()
//source Code

// CustomAttribute
public class CustomAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context()
//Some Code

我希望嵌套的 api 调用 (ActionMethod2( 应该跳过 OnActionExecute 被调用。

不要直接调用 ActionMethod2。将 ActionMethod2 的内容放入一个函数 (ActionMethod2Internal( 中,并从两个位置调用它。

Public class WebApiController
public IActionResult ActionMethod1()
WebApiController222 obj = new WebApiController222()
return obj.ActionMethod2Internal(); // Calling to second Action Methods
public class WebApiController222
public IActionResult ActionMethod2()
return ActionMethod2Internal();
public IActionResult ActionMethod2Internal()
//source code
// CustomAttribute
public class CustomAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context()
//Some Code
