

.article-detail {
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    The potential use cases for Blockchain spans across multiple industries and goes far beyond     just Bitcoin. Financial services, Healthcare, Audit among many others; find your industry       and we will transition you through Blockchain… ( Read more )

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  <span class="bc-testing-detail"> 
    The potential use cases for Blockchain spans across multiple industries and goes far beyond     just Bitcoin. Financial services, Healthcare, Audit among many others; find your industry       and we will transition you through Blockchain
  <a id="read-more" href="#"> ( Read More ) </a>




编辑 要仅在文本大于框时显示"阅读更多"链接,您需要将可见高度clientHeight与总(可见和不可见(高度scrollHeight进行比较。唯一的问题是,由于像素计算,它们之间总是存在很小的差异,因此您可以检查差异是否太小(例如小于10(并隐藏"阅读更多"按钮。

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<div class="article-detail">
  <span>The potential use cases for Blockchain spans across multiple industries and goes far beyond     just Bitcoin. Financial services, Healthcare, Audit among many others; find your industry       and we will transition you through Blockchain. The potential use cases for Blockchain spans across multiple industries and goes far beyond     just Bitcoin. Financial services, Healthcare, Audit among many others; find your industry       and we will transition you through Blockchain</span>
  <a id="read-more" href="#">( Read more )</a>
