

Jackson 49292
Levy 40156
Indian River 138894
Liberty 8314
Holmes 19873
Madison 19115


ifstream file("county_data-5.txt");
cout<<"nError: File not found!n";
string name ,string;
double pop;
getline(file, string);
stringstream ss(string);
ss >> name >> pop;
insert(root,name, pop);

有很多方法可以处理读取一个名称,该名称可能有未知数量的空格分隔部分和尾部数字。您可以简单地使用cstdio,用getline()读取每一行,然后用" %[^0-9] %zu"的格式字符串调用str.c_str()上的sscanf(),然后在分配给字符串之前修剪temporary_name中的尾部空白。

使用当前时代的C++,可以使用getline读取行,然后使用.find_first_of()成员函数定位字符串中的第一个数字。例如,您可以保留一个数字列表,例如const char *digits = "0123456789";,然后用line.find_first_of(digits);查找第一个数字。知道第一个数字在哪里,就可以使用.substr()成员函数来复制name,然后从末尾去掉后面的空白。

更重要的考虑是如何存储读取的所有值。如果您创建一个具有成员std:string name;size_t pop;的简单struct,那么您可以创建一个结构的std::vector,并使用.push_back()成员函数将从文件中读取的每个结构值的数据添加到结构的向量中。


struct population
std::string name;
size_t pop;

/* constructors */
population() { name = ""; pop = 0; }
population(const std::string& n, const size_t p) : name(n), pop(p) {}


/* struct to hold name population, 
* and overloads of operators >> and << to facilitate splitting name/hours.
struct population
std::string name;
size_t pop;

/* constructors */
population() { name = ""; pop = 0; }
population(const std::string& n, const size_t p) : name(n), pop(p) {}

/* overloads of >> (separates name/pop) and << (outputs name/pop) */
friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, population& p) {
const char *digits = "0123456789";

std::string line {};
if (getline (is, line)) {                               /* read line */
size_t popbegin = line.find_first_of(digits);       /* find 1st [0-9] */
if (popbegin != std::string::npos) {                /* valdiate found */
std::string tmp = line.substr(0, popbegin);     /* get name */
while (isspace(tmp.back()))                     /* remove trailing */
tmp.pop_back();                             /* .. spaces */
p.name = tmp;                                   /* assign to name */
p.pop = stoul(line.substr(popbegin));           /* assign to pop */
return is;
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const population& p) {
os << std::left << std::setw(32) << p.name << "  " << p.pop << 'n';
return os;

然后,在main()中,你所需要的就是验证你有一个作为参数传递的文件名,打开文件并验证它是否可以读取(比如std::ifstream f(,然后你的读取和值的分离被简化为一个简单的循环:

population p {};    /* instance of population struct to facilitate read from file */
std::vector<population> records {};         /* vector of population */

while (f >> p) {                            /* read population data from file */
records.push_back(p);                   /* add to population vector */


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/* struct to hold name population,  
* and overloads of operators >> and << to facilitate splitting name/hours.
struct population
std::string name;
size_t pop;

/* constructors */
population() { name = ""; pop = 0; }
population(const std::string& n, const size_t p) : name(n), pop(p) {}

/* overloads of >> (separates name/pop) and << (outputs name/pop) */
friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, population& p) {
const char *digits = "0123456789";

std::string line {};
if (getline (is, line)) {                               /* read line */
size_t popbegin = line.find_first_of(digits);       /* find 1st [0-9] */
if (popbegin != std::string::npos) {                /* valdiate found */
std::string tmp = line.substr(0, popbegin);     /* get name */
while (isspace(tmp.back()))                     /* remove trailing */
tmp.pop_back();                             /* .. spaces */
p.name = tmp;                                   /* assign to name */
p.pop = stoul(line.substr(popbegin));           /* assign to pop */
return is;
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const population& p) {
os << std::left << std::setw(32) << p.name << "  " << p.pop << 'n';
return os;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

if (argc < 2) { /* validate 1 argument given for filename */
std::cerr << "error: filename required as 1st argument.n";
return 1;

std::ifstream f (argv[1]);  /* open filename provided as 1st argument */

if (!f.is_open()) { /* validate file is open for reading */
std::cerr << "file open failed: " << argv[1] << 'n';
return 1;

population p {};    /* instance of population struct to facilitate read from file */
std::vector<population> records {};         /* vector of population */

while (f >> p) {                            /* read population data from file */
records.push_back(p);                   /* add to population vector */

for (const auto& loc : records)             /* output results */
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(32) << loc.name << loc.pop << 'n';



$ ./bin/poprecords dat/population.txt
Jackson                         49292
Levy                            40156
Indian River                    138894
Liberty                         8314
Holmes                          19873
Madison                         19115




使用正则表达式,您可以详细定义允许或不允许的内容。我们可以非常严格,或者允许前导和尾随空格,或者多个空格或任何空白字符,或者我们希望的任何字符。因此,即使您有一个像Holmes Region 1 19873这样的县名称,我们也可以将其视为有效名称并提取正确的数据。


1      Begin of line
s*    Zero or more white spaces
(      Begin of a group. Later we will extract this groupd data (the county name)
w+    One or more characters, a-z, A-Z and _ (First county sub name)
(      Begin of optional group for county names with more sub names
s+    One or more whit spaces between county sub names
w+    One or more characters, a-z, A-Z and _ (additional county sub names)
)      ENd of group for additional county subnames (always having starting white spaces)
*      There may be 0 or more additionaly sub names for county
s+    One or more white spaces (in front of population count)
(      Start of group for population count. Will be extracted later
d+    One or more digits (So, we will make sure that this is a valid number)
)      End of Group for digits
s*    0 or more white spaces
$      End of line









`#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
struct CountyPopulation {
// Our Data
std::string county{};
unsigned long population{};
// Overwrite extractor
friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, CountyPopulation& cp) {
// Read a complete line
if (std::string line{}; std::getline(is, line)) {
// We want to evaluate the string using a regular expression
std::smatch sm; std::regex re{ R"(^s*(w+(s+w+)*)s+(d+)s*$)" };
// If the string matches our patternm, then we can copy the data
if (std::regex_match(line, sm, re)) {
cp.county = sm[1];
cp.population = std::stoul(sm[3]);
else std::cerr << "n*** Error: Invalid Data in line:  '" << line << "'n";
return is;
// Overwrite inserter
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const CountyPopulation& cp) {
return os << std::left << std::setw(30) << cp.county << " --> " << cp.population << 'n';
int main() {
// Open file and check, if it could be opened
if (std::ifstream countyFileStream{ "r:\county_data-5.txt" }; countyFileStream) {
// Define a vector and use its range constructor to read all values from the file
std::vector population(std::istream_iterator<CountyPopulation>(countyFileStream), {});
// Show all read data on screen
std::copy(population.begin(), population.end(), std::ostream_iterator<CountyPopulation>(std::cout));
else std::cerr << "n*** Error: Could not open source filen";
return 0;

用C++17 编译和测试

