Json format with Play 2.4 / Scala


case class Partner
(_id: Option[BSONObjectID], name: String, beacon: Option[Beacon])
class PartnerFormatter @Inject() (val beaconDao: BeaconDao){
  implicit val partnerReads: Reads[Partner] = (
      (__  "_id").readNullable[String]and
      (__  "name").read[String] and
      (__  "beacon").read[String]
    )((_id, name, beaconID) => Partner(_id.map(BSONObjectID(_)), name, Await.result(beaconDao.findById(beaconID), 1 second))))
  implicit val partnerWrites: Writes[Partner] = (
        (JsPath  "_id").writeNullable[String].contramap((id: Option[BSONObjectID]) => Some(id.get.stringify)) and
        (JsPath  "name").write[String] and
        (JsPath  "beacon").writeNullable[String].contramap((beacon: Option[Beacon]) => Some(beacon.get._id.get.stringify))


No Json deserializer found for type models.Partner. Try to implement an implicit Reads or Format for this type

No Json deserializer found for type models.Partner. Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type

您需要在Partner 对象中定义阅读器和写入器。

