MS Access VBA:无法将数组变量传输到用户定义的函数

这是我第一次编写涉及数组的VBA代码。我有一个问题,无法从矩阵文本函数调用矩阵 Mult 函数(计算 M1 和 M2 矩阵)。问题出在"MOut = MatrixMult(M1, M2)"行中。


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function MatrixText() As Double()
    Dim M1(), M2(), MOut() As Double
    Dim Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, Iter1, Iter2 As Integer
    Row1 = 5
    Col1 = 16
    Row2 = 16
    Col2 = 5
    ReDim MOut(1 To Row1, 1 To Col2)
    ReDim M1(1 To Row1, 1 To Col1)
    ReDim M2(1 To Row2, 1 To Col2)
    For Iter1 = 1 To Row1
        For Iter2 = 1 To Col1
            M1(Iter1, Iter2) = Rnd
            M2(Iter2, Iter1) = Rnd
        Next Iter2
    Next Iter1
    MOut = MatrixMult(M1, M2)
    MatrixText = MOut
End Function
Public Function MatrixMult(ByRef mA() As Double, ByRef mB() As Double) As Double()
    Dim ARow, ACol, BRow, Bcol, Iter1, Iter2, Iter3 As Integer
    Dim MOutput() As Double
    ARow = UBound(mA, 1)
    ACol = UBound(mA, 2)
    BRow = UBound(mB, 1)
    Bcol = UBound(mB, 2)
    If ACol = BRow Then
        ReDim MOutput(1 To ARow, 1 To Bcol)
        For Iter1 = 1 To ARow
            For Iter2 = 1 To Bcol
                For Iter3 = 1 To ACol
                    MOutput(Iter1, Iter2) = MOutput(Iter1, Iter2) + mA(Iter1, Iter3) * mB(Iter3, Iter2)
                Next Iter3
            Next Iter2
        Next Iter1
        MatrixMult = MOutput
        Rem the size of mA and mB do not match !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Rem MatrixMult() = 0
    End If
End Function


Dim M1(), M2(), MOut() As Double


Dim M1() As Variant, M2() As Variant, MOut() As Double


