以 TB 为单位的公共表中的并行加载

I am loading data into my common table DB_TBLS.ACCOUNT in parralel for three process. To avoid     blocking i have created view as below on top of this base table.
But again i am getting blocking on the base table.
Replace View DB_VWS.S_ACCOUNT as locking row for access 
Select * From DB_TBLS.ACCOUNT where id = 1 ;
Replace View DB_VWS.T_ACCOUNT as locking row for access 
 Select * From DB_TBLS.ACCOUNT where id = 2 ;
Replace View DB_VWS.R_ACCOUNT as locking row for access 
Select * From DB_TBLS.ACCOUNT where id = 3 ;


Teradata 并行传输器 (TPT( 实用程序中的流运算符提供了您需要的功能。根据 TPT 参考手册 (14.10(:

The Stream operator, a consumer operator, emulates the Teradata TPump utility to perform high-speed parallel Inserts, Updates, Deletes, and Upserts in a near-real-time to one or more empty or preexisting Teradata Database tables without locking target tables.
