当 CUDA 内核的启动参数依赖于先前的内核时,是否始终需要同步?




  • 是否有替代模式可以避免内核之间的同步?
  • CUDA动态并行性会以任何方式有所帮助吗?


/* Pseudocode. Won't Compile */
/* Please ignore silly mistakes/syntax and inefficiant/incorrect simplifications */
__global__ void bar( const float * dataIn, float * dataOut, unsigned int * counter_ptr ) 
   < do some computation > 
   if (bConditionalComputedAboveIsTrue)
      const unsigned int ind = atomicInc(counter_ptr, (unsigned int)(-1));
      dataOut[ ind ] = resultOfAboveComputation;
int foo( float * d_datain, float* d_tempbuffer, float* d_output, cudaStream_t stream  ){    
   /* Initialize a counter that will be updated by the bar kernel */ 
   unsigned int * counter_ptr;
   cudaMalloc( &counter_ptr, sizeof( unsigned int) ); //< Create a Counter
   cudaMemsetAsync(counter_ptr, 0, sizeof(unsigned int), stream); //<Initially Set the Counter to 0
   dim3 threadsInit(16,16,1);
   dim3 gridInit(256, 1, 1);
   /* Launch the Filtering Kernel. This will update the value in counter_ptr*/
   bar<<< gridInit, threadsInit, 0, stream >>>( d_datain, d_tempbuffer, counter_ptr );
   /* Download the count and synchronize the stream */ 
   unsigned int count;
   cudaMemcpyAsync(&count, counter_ptr, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);
   cudaStreamSynchronize( stream ); //< Is there any way around this synchronize? 
   /* Compute the grid parameters and launch a second kernel */
   dim3 bazThreads(128,1,1);
   dim3 bazGrid( count/128 + 1, 1, 1); //< Here I use the counter modified in the prior kernel to set the grid parameters
   baz<<< bazGrid, bazThreads, 0, stream >>>( d_tempbuffer, d_output );
   /* cleanup */



