等到使用TypeScript在Intern 4中加载页面的功能

我有一些实现的函数,直到用TypeScript在Intern 4中加载页面。但是有时候,即使我在函数中捕获错误,它也无效并抛出TimeOutEror。有人可以查看并告诉我这怎么了。


  export abstract class AdvalentBasePage {
    remote: any;
    waitTime: number = -1;
    locator: any;
    constructor(remote: any, locator: any) {
        this.remote = remote;
        this.locator =locator ;
    abstract  getPageTitleXpath(): string;

    getPageTitleElement() {
        return this.remote.findByXpath(this.getPageTitleXpath());
      //this function sometimes throws timeoutError even before waitTime provided in argument
    async waitUntilPageIsFullyLoaded(waitTime: number): Promise<any> {
        this.waitTime = waitTime;
        var self = this;
        try {
            await self.remote.sleep(1000).findByXpath(self.getPageTitleXpath());
        } catch (e) {
            if (e.name == 'NoSuchElement') {
                if (this.waitTime > 0) {
                    self.waitTime = self.waitTime - 1000;
                    await self.waitUntilPageIsFullyLoaded(self.waitTime);
                else {
                    throw new Error('TimeOut Exception  ')


  1. 异步测试超时 - 如果测试需要更长的时间(默认情况下为30秒),则实习生将超时。
  2. 查找超时 - 如果在这段时间内找不到元素,则findBy调用将超时(浏览器依赖于浏览器,通常为0,默认情况下为0)

从您的描述中不清楚什么是特定错误,尽管听起来您可能正在遇到一般测试超时错误。您可以通过增加测试超时(在测试中的this.timeout = xthis.async(x),其中X是多个毫秒)。


// Make sure the test timeout is large enough to handle the time
// required to run all test actions.
self.timeout = 130000;
await self.remote
    // Set the find timeout to something huge; this is still efficient
    // because the test will continue as soon as an element is found
