如何将数组的空值替换为 NaN

我想创建一个形状为:(N,3(的数组。 但是,当不可能时,我想用NaN替换缺失值。


from scipy import spatial
import numpy as np
vertices = numpy.array([[ 0.82667452,  0.89591247,  0.91638623],
[ 0.10045271,  0.50575086,  0.73920507],
[ 0.06341482,  0.17413744,  0.6316301 ],
[ 0.75613029,  0.82585983,  0.10012549],
[ 0.45498342,  0.5636221 ,  0.10940527],
[ 0.46079863,  0.54088544,  0.1519899 ],
[ 0.61961934,  0.78550213,  0.43406491],
[ 0.12654252,  0.7514213 ,  0.18265301],
[ 0.94441365,  0.00428673,  0.46893573],
[ 0.79083297,  0.70198129,  0.75670947]])
tree = spatial.cKDTree(vertices)
iof = tree.query_ball_point(vertices,0.3,n_jobs=-1,return_sorted=False)
faces_eampty = np.empty((len(vertices),3))
faces_eampty[:] = np.NaN
faces = np.array([l[0:3] for l in iof])
faces_eampty[:faces.shape[0], :faces.shape[1]] = faces


faces: [[0 6 9]
[1 2 4]
[1 2 NaN]
[3 4 5]
[1 NaN NaN]
[1 2 3]
[0 1 3]
[1 2 NaN]
[5 NaN NaN]
[0 1 3]]


鉴于每个点的查询可能有 1、2 或更多结果,最好不要转向数组,直到所有值都具有相同的形状(numpy 数组需要(。

from scipy import spatial
import numpy as np
vertices = np.array([[ 0.82667452,  0.89591247,  0.91638623],
[ 0.10045271,  0.50575086,  0.73920507],
[ 0.06341482,  0.17413744,  0.6316301 ],
[ 0.75613029,  0.82585983,  0.10012549],
[ 0.45498342,  0.5636221 ,  0.10940527],
[ 0.46079863,  0.54088544,  0.1519899 ],
[ 0.61961934,  0.78550213,  0.43406491],
[ 0.12654252,  0.7514213 ,  0.18265301],
[ 0.94441365,  0.00428673,  0.46893573],
[ 0.79083297,  0.70198129,  0.75670947]])
tree = spatial.cKDTree(vertices)
iof = tree.query_ball_point(vertices,0.3,n_jobs=-1,return_sorted=False)
faces = [l[0:3] for l in iof]
# append a NaN value if there are less than n values
# where n are the most results from the query from 1 point
_max = max([len(f) for f in faces])
for f in faces:
if len(f) < _max:
>>> array([[ 0.,  9.],
[ 1., nan],
[ 2., nan],
[ 3., nan],
[ 4.,  5.],
[ 4.,  5.],
[ 6., nan],
[ 7., nan],
[ 8., nan],
[ 0.,  9.]])
