



Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub OpenAllMyForms()
    ' I have three access forms named MyFormName1, MyFormName2 and MyFormName3
    ' Say I use this code to open all three of them
    ' Form_Open_MyFormName2     ' In this example I have not included the procedure used to open MyFormName2 and MyFormName3
    ' Form_Open_MyFormName3
End Sub
Function Form_Open_MyFormName1() As Form
    ' Current Code  (Each form that gets opened has a function like this)
    Dim frm As Form
    Set frm = New Form_MyFormName1
    ' Note that the Form_ is very significant.
    ' The form name in the access navigation pane is shown as "MyFormName1"
    ' preceeding this name with "Form_" causes the underlying class to be returned
    ' which is implements the access "Form" class.  (I think this is how you say it in OO speak)

    ' I then add this form to a collection, but lets not complicate the example
    ' clnOfForms_MyFormName1.add Item:=frm, Key:=CStr(frm.Hwnd)
    Set Form_Open_MyFormName1 = frm
    frm.Visible = True
    Set frm = Nothing
End Function

Sub OpenAllMyFormsNEW()
    ' I want to write a generic function that will open any form
    ' so I replace the sub OpenAllMyForms (ie above) with this sub.
    ' I no longer have a "Form_Open_MyFormName1" function for each form
    ' but instead use Form_Open - see below.
    Dim Frm1 As Form
    Dim Frm2 As Form
    Dim Frm3 As Form
    ' Note that the Form_ is very significant.
    ' The form name in the access navigation pane is shown as "MyFormName1"
    ' preceeding this name with "Form_" causes the underlying class to be returned
    Set Frm1 = Form_Open(aForm:=Form_MyFormName1)
    Set Frm2 = Form_Open(aForm:=Form_MyFormName2)
    Set Frm3 = Form_Open(aForm:=Form_MyFormName3)
End Sub
Function Form_Open(aFormClass As WhatTypeShouldIuseHere) As Form
    ' Here is the new function, however I don't know how to get it to work.
    ' I don't know what type to use for the parameter aFormClass see "WhatTypeShouldIuseHere" above.
    Dim frm As Form
    Set frm = New aFormClass
    Set Form_Open = frm
    Set frm = Nothing
End Function




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