$scope.loadWorkbooks = ->
$scope.workbooks = []
$scope.filters = {}
#...some filtering stuff...
$http.get "/api/students?active=true"
.then (response) ->
total = 0
_.each response.data, (value) ->
total += value.Workbooks.length
$scope.workbooksTable = new NgTableParams
id: 'desc'
page: 1
count: 20
total: total
# counts:[]
getData: ($defer, params) ->
filteredData = if params.filter() then $filter('filter')($scope.workbooks, params.filter()) else $scope.workbooks
orderedData = if params.sorting() then $filter('orderBy')(filteredData, params.orderBy()) else filteredData
$defer.resolve orderedData
$scope.loadAllWorkbooks = () ->
$http.get "/api/v1/students/workbook"
.then (response) ->
workbooks = response.data
if workbooks.length > 0
$scope.workbooks = $scope.workbooks.concat workbooks
Materialize.toast "Loading workbooks", 2000
<table show-filter="true" class="striped highlight bordered" ng-table="workbooksTable">
<tr ng-repeat="workbook in $data" ng-show="workbook.state !== 'dead'">
<td data-title="'ID'" sortable="'id'" filter="{id: 'text'}">
{{ workbook.id }}
<td data-title="'Student'" sortable="'Student.name'">
<p>{{ workbook.Student.firstName }} {{ workbook.Student.lastName }}</p>
<!--... more columns...-->
弄清楚了,我需要在我的get getData
getData: ($defer, params) ->
filteredData = if params.filter() then $filter('filter')($scope.workbooks, params.filter()) else $scope.workbooks
orderedData = if params.sorting() then $filter('orderBy')(filteredData, params.orderBy()) else filteredData
#line I needed to add below
slicedData = orderedData.slice (params.page() - 1) * params.count(), params.page() * params.count()
#and then resolve slicedData instead of orderedData
$defer.resolve slicedData