
API 调用的数据看起来像底部的内容。

APIkey = 'PB36zotwgisM02kED1vWwvf7BklqCObDGVoyssVE'
docketID=raw_input("Enter Docket ID") => EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0028
response = json.load(urlopen(url))

我想像这样迭代它们:遍历字典并打印docketIDtitlenumberOfComments如果numberOfComments小于 150。

​for dic in response:
    if type(dic) is dict:
        if 'numberOfComments'<Max:
               'title': dic['title'],
               'numberOfComments': item['numberOfComments']        
print content


有人可以帮助使此代码工作吗? :(

response={u'publicationPeriod': {u'value': u'Fall 2012', u'label': u'Publication Period'}, u'timeTables': [{u'action': u'NPRM', u'actionQualifier': u'NPRM', u'date': u'01/10/2012', u'frCitation': u'77 FR 1434'}, {u'action': u'Final Rule', u'actionQualifier': u'Final Rule', u'date': u'08/13/2012', u'frCitation': u'77 FR 48072'}], u'impactsAndEffects': u'None', u'rin': u'2060-AQ70', u'agendaStageOfRulemaking': {u'value': u'Completed Action', u'label': u'Agenda Stage of Rulemaking'}, u'keywords': {u'value': u'CBI, Confidentiality', u'label': u'Keyword(s)'}, u'legalAuthorities': {u'value': u'42 USC 7401 et seq', u'label': u'Legal Authorities'}, u'energyEffects': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'Energy Effects'}, u'title': u'Proposed Confidentiality Determinations for Eight Subparts of the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule', u'generic': {u'value': u'HQ-OAR', u'label': u'Location'}, u'internationalImpacts': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'International Impacts'}, u'agency': u'Environmental Protection Agency', u'smallEntitiesAffected': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'Small Entities Affected'}, u'ruleMakingStage': u'Completed', u'priority': u'Substantive, Nonsignificant', u'requiresRegulatoryFlexibilityAnalysis': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'Requires Regulatory Flexibility Analysis'}, u'legalDeadlines': {u'value': u'None', u'label': u'Legal Deadlines'}, u'cfrCitation': u'40 CFR 98', u'federalismImplications': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'Federalism Implications'}, u'majorRule': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'Major Rule'}, u'agencyAcronym': u'EPA', u'docketId': u'EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0028', u'unfundedMandates': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'Unfunded Mandates'}, u'numberOfComments': 22, u'shortTitle': {u'value': u'Confidentiality Determinations for Eight Subparts of the GHGRP', u'label': u'Short Title'}, u'includedInRegulatoryPlan': {u'value': u'No', u'label': u'Included in Regulatory Plan'}, u'type': {u'value': u'Rulemaking', u'label': u'Type'}, u'governmentLevelsAffected': {u'value': u'Federal', u'label': u'Government Levels Affected'}, u'docketAbstract': u'This action finalized confidentiality determinations for certain data elements in nine subparts under the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule. In addition, EPA is finalizing amendments to subpart A to defer the reporting deadline of certain data elements in subparts FF and TT until 2013 and to defer the reporting deadline of certain data elements in subpart W until 2015. Lastly, the EPA is finalizing amendments to subpart I regarding the calculation and reporting of emissions from facilities that use best available monitoring methods. This action does not include final confidentiality determinations for data elements in the "Inputs to Emission Equations" data category.', u'contact': [{u'city': u'Washington', u'fax': u'202 343-2202', u'zip': u'20460', u'agencyName': u'DEFAULT', u'firstName': u'Lisa', u'lastName': u'Bacanskas', u'agency': u'AR', u'streetAddress': u'6207J, Washington, DC 20460', u'phone': u'202 343-9758', u'state': u'DC', u'emailAddress': u'Bacanskas.Lisa@epamail.epa.gov'}, {u'city': u'Washington', u'fax': u'202 343-2359', u'zip': u'20460', u'agencyName': u'DEFAULT', u'firstName': u'Barbora', u'lastName': u'Master', u'agency': u'AR', u'streetAddress': u'6207J, Washington, DC 20460', u'phone': u'202 343-9899', u'state': u'DC', u'emailAddress': u'master.barbora@epamail.epa.gov'}]}

您在 if 子句中声明content,因此如果 if 子句的计算结果不计算为 true ,则不会定义它。只需将print放在if子句中:

​for dic in response:
    if item['numberOfComments'] < Max:
            'title': dic['title'],
            'numberOfComments': item['numberOfComments']
        print content
