
在 Flutter 的animations包中,使用 Container 变换动画的一个案例示例是




Here I found a Solution that may be complex because in our SearchDelegate we can't 
implement animation implicitly.
We can change the package provided by flutter. GoTO 
<Flutter Sdk Path>packagesflutterlibsrcmaterialsearch.dart(Ex: 
enter code here
Inside  Official Search.dart we can make changes accordingly...
Here what I have done to change the animation Duration and type of Animation itself...
To change the animation DUration: line no 341
Duration get transitionDuration => const Duration(milliseconds: 700);//give your
// flexible number
To change the animation : line no 353
return your own animation type default there will be FadeTransition from line No 353-356 you can use SlideTransition, ScaleTransition in the place of FadeTransition
return SlideTransition(        //for slide transition return this instead of Fade 
position: Tween<Offset>(
begin: const Offset(0, -0.5),
end: Offset.zero,
child: child,
// ScaleTransition( //for scale transition uncomment this(ZoomIn and Zoom out)
//   scale: Tween<double>(
//               begin: 0.0,
//               end: 1.0,
//             ).animate(
//               CurvedAnimation(
//                 parent: animation,
//                 curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
//               ),
//             ),
//             child: child,
//           );

如果要将标签从"搜索"更改为"自定义标签" 在已使用搜索委托扩展的类中提供标签 inside super(( as property searchFieldLabel

To Change the Label :
class StoreSearch extends SearchDelegate<String> {
// @override
// TODO: implement searchFieldLabel
: super(
searchFieldLabel: "StoreSearch",//provide your Label here
