

  abstract class Numbers[A]()
  case class IntType() extends Numbers[Int]
  abstract class Letters[A]()
  case class EnglishType() extends Letters[String]


  trait Interpreter[ALG[_],A] {
    def description(a: ALG[A]) : String
  case class NumbersInterpreter[A]() extends Interpreter[Numbers,A] {
    override def description(a: Numbers[A]): String =
      a match {
        case i: IntType => "Int"
  case class LettersInterpreter[A]() extends Interpreter[Letters,A] {
    override def description(a: Letters[A]): String =
      a match {
        case e: EnglishType => "English"

我希望将两个GADT合并为一个名为All 的GADT

  type All[A] = Numbers[A] :+: Letters[A] :+: CNil


  case class DualInterpreter[A](
    numbersInterpreter: NumbersInterpreter[A],
    lettersInterpreter: LettersInterpreter[A]) extends Interpreter[All,A] {
    override def description(a: All[A]): String =
      a match {
        case Inl(num) => numbersInterpreter.description(num)
        case Inr(Inl(let)) => lettersInterpreter.description(let)
        case _ => sys.error("Unreachable Code")


  case class ArbitraryInterpreter[ALG[_]<:Coproduct,A](???) extends Interpreter[ALG,A] {
    override def description(a: ALG[A]): String = ???



// using kind projector
def merge[L[_], R[_] <: Coproduct, A](
  li: Interpreter[L, A],
  ri: Interpreter[R, A]
): Interpreter[Lambda[A => L[A] :+: R[A]] , A] =
  new Interpreter[Lambda[A => L[A] :+: R[A]] , A] {
    override def description(lr: L[A] :+: R[A]): String =
      lr match {
        case Inl(l) => li.description(l)
        case Inr(r) => ri.description(r)


implicit class InterpreterOps[L[_], A](val l: Interpreter[L, A]) extends AnyVal {
  def ++ [R[_] <: Coproduct](r: Interpreter[R, A]): Interpreter[Lambda[A => L[A] :+: R[A]] , A] = merge(l, r)


type CNilF[A] = CNil // trick to make things consistent on kind-level
case class CNilInterpreter[A]() extends Interpreter[CNilF, A] {
  override def description(a: CNilF[A]): String = ???
def allInterpreter[A]: Interpreter[All, A] =
  // :+: is right associative, but normal methods are left associative,
  // so we have to use parens
  NumbersInterpreter[A]() ++ (LettersInterpreter[A]() ++ CNilInterpreter[A]())
