
  • 本文关键字:数据表 一列 二列 二行 一个 数据库 c#
  • 更新时间 :
  • 英文 :


 int score = 1;
    private void pbBier_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost;Database=patn4lj1;Uid=root;Pwd=root;");
        MySqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand();
        command.CommandText = "select * from locaties";
        MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
        DataTable dtData = new DataTable();
                 //lblX.Text = rowX["X"].ToString();

        int xPos1 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[0][0]; //dit is de 4de rij van de 1ste kollom.        //  lblX.Text = rowX[colX].ToString();
        int xPos2 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[1][0];
        int xPos3 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[2][0];
        int xPos4 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[3][0];
        int xPos5 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[4][0];
        int yPos1 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[0][1];
        int yPos2 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[1][1];
        int yPos3 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[2][1];
        int yPos4 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[3][1];
        int yPos5 = (Int32)dtData.Rows[4][1];
      //  DataColumn colY = dtData.Columns[1];
      //  DataRow rowY = dtData.Rows[4];            //  lblY.Text = rowY["Y"].ToString();           
       // int YPos = rowY.ToString()[4];            // lblY.Text = rowY[colY].ToString();
        lblAantalScore.Text = score++.ToString();

        bool Gedaan = false;
        while (Gedaan == false)
            pbBier.Location = new Point(xPos1, yPos1);
            if (pbBier.Left == xPos1 && pbBier.Top == yPos1)
                Gedaan = true; tmLoop.Stop();
                MessageBox.Show("gefeliciteerd u hebt er " + lblTijd.Text + " Sec over gedaan"); tmLoop.Start();

            if (Gedaan == true)
                pbBier.Location = new Point(xPos2, yPos2);
        //pbBier.Location = new Point(xPos3, yPos3);
        //pbBier.Location = new Point(xPos4, yPos4);
        //pbBier.Location = new Point(xPos5, yPos5);



**我编辑了,有人能帮我吗?如果我点击图片框,它就会转到数据阅读器的位置。"但我想要的是,如果我第二次点击picturebox那么它就会转到数据表的新坐标。你能帮我吗?* *

您的DataTable可以以array of muti-dimension的形式访问。例如:

dtData.Rows[0][0]; // access the first row and first column
dtData.Rows[0][1]; // access the first row and second column
dtData.Rows[0][2]; // access the first row and third column
dtData.Rows[1][0]; // access the second row and first column
dtData.Rows[1][1]; // access the second row and second column
dtData.Rows[1][2]; // access the second row and third column


for(int i = 0;i < dtData.Rows.Count;i++)//travels the rows
     for(int j = 0;j < dtData.Rows.Count;j++)//travels the columns
          var valueField = dtData.Rows[i][j];//access the value of current field


Object data = dtData.Rows[3][1];
int xPos = data.ToString()[1]; 


int xPos = (Int32)dtData.Rows[3][0];//you know which access fourth row and first column?
