我有这段代码,注释的行打破了它。 这里做错了什么? 我知道我可以说笔可以是红色、绿色或蓝色;但我想使用值颜色或类似的东西与其他对象共享属性。
NicePlace is a room. "Its a pretty nice place."
A color is a kind of value.
The colors are red, green, blue.
A pen is a kind of thing.
A pen has a color called pencolor.
A coolpen is a pen.
The pencolor of coolpen is red.
[Now the pencolor of coolpen is blue.]
There is a coolpen in NicePlace.
如"现在..."必须放置在规则中,否则 Inform 不知道何时运行它们。所以试试这个:
When play begins:
Now the pencolor of coolpen is blue.