如何匹配然后替换 shell 脚本中的多行


Physical interface: ge-0/0/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 132, SNMP ifIndex: 504
  Description: # SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #
  Link-level type: Flexible-Ethernet, Media type: Copper, MTU: 9000,
  LAN-PHY mode, Link-mode: Full-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None,
   .....few more lines
Physical interface: ge-0/1/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
  Interface index: 133, SNMP ifIndex: 505
  Link-level type: Ethernet, Media type: Fiber, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode,
  Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
    .....few more lines
Physical interface: ge-0/1/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 136, SNMP ifIndex: 508
  Description: # TO CSS_I-TN-CHNN-ENB-I099 #
  Link-level type: Flexible-Ethernet, Media type: Fiber, MTU: 8000,
  LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
   ... few more lines
 and so on....


<Pass>Physical interface: ge-0/0/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
<Pass>Link-level type: Flexible-Ethernet, Media type: Fiber, MTU: 9000,


 <Pass>Physical interface: ge-0/0/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 132, SNMP ifIndex: 504
      Description: # SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #
      <Pass>Link-level type: Flexible-Ethernet, Media type: Copper, MTU: 9000,
      LAN-PHY mode, Link-mode: Full-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None,
         .....few more lines
  <Fail>Physical interface: ge-0/1/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
     Interface index: 133, SNMP ifIndex: 505
     <Fail>Link-level type: Ethernet, Media type: Fiber, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode,
     Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
            .....few more lines
   <Fail>Physical interface: ge-0/1/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
     Interface index: 136, SNMP ifIndex: 508
     Description: # TO CSS_I-TN-CHNN-ENB-I099 #
     <Fail>Link-level type: Flexible-Ethernet, Media type: Fiber, MTU: 8000,
     LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
           ... few more lines
         and so on....


sed '/Physical link is/ { :a /MTU:/! { N; ba; }; /Physical link is Up.*MTU: 9000/ { s/(.*n)s*/<Pass>1<Pass>/; b; }; s/(.*n)s*/<Fail>1<Fail>/; }' filename


/Physical link is/ {                       # Block start found
  /MTU:/! {                                # fetch lines until we find the MTU
  /Physical link is Up.*MTU: 9000/ {       # If link is up and MTU 9000
    s/(.*n)[[:space:]]*/<Pass>1<Pass>/ # insert Pass markers
                                           # we're done.
  s/(.*n)[[:space:]]*/<Fail>1<Fail>/   # otherwise insert Fail markers

请注意,对于BSD-sed,由于b指令的原因,它不能用作一行代码。在这种情况下,将扩展的(没有注释,因为BSD-sed很容易混淆)代码放在一个文件中,比如foo.sed,然后使用sed -f foo.sed filename。我已经用它的POSIX等价物([[:space:]])替换了另一个GNU主义(s)。




awk -v RS='Physical interface:' -F 'n' -v OFS='n' '{ result = "<Fail>" } /Physical link is Up/ && /MTU: 9000/ { result = "<Pass>" } NR != 1 { for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { if(index($i, "MTU:")) { sub(/^ */, result, $i) } } print result RS $0 }' filename

这将在Physical interface:处将文件拆分为记录,并在换行处将记录拆分为字段。然后:

{ result = "<Fail>" }                  # result is Fail 
/Physical link is Up/ && /MTU: 9000/ { # unless link is up and MTU 9000
  result = "<Pass>"
NR != 1 {                              # the first record is the empty string
                                       # before the first actual record, so
                                       # we remove it.
  for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {           # wade through the fields (lines)
    if(index($i, "MTU:")) {            # find the MTU line
      sub(/^ */, result, $i)           # put the marker there. To keep the
                                       # whitespace, use $i = result $i
                                       # instead, or sub(/^ */, "&" result, $i)
                                       # to keep the spaces before the marker.
  print result RS $0                   # once done, print the whole shebang.
                                       # We have to reinsert the record
                                       # separator because it was removed
                                       # by the splitting.

注意,多字符RS不是严格符合POSIX的。不过,最常见的awk(gawk和mawk)支持它。值得注意的是,BSD awk没有。


awk '
 / Physical link is / { ++count }
 /, MTU: / {
    tag = (blockLines[1] ~ /Up$/ && $0 ~ /, MTU: 9000,/ ? "<Pass>" : "<Fail>")
    sub(/^/, "&" tag, blockLines[1])
    sub(/^ +/, "&" tag)
    for (i = 1; i < count; ++i) print blockLines[i]
    count = 0
 count > 0 { blockLines[count++] = $0; next }
 { print }
' file 


  • 在一个数组中收集一个行块(包括必须标记的两行之间的所有行),而不打印它们
  • 到达块的末尾时,确定必须使用的标记(失败或通过)
  • 打印块中的所有行,并相应地标记第一行和最后一行


 / Physical link is / { ++count } # Start of block
 /, MTU: / {                      # End of block - fail/pass can now be determined
    # Determine whether to apply a fail or a pass tag based on the
    # first and last line in the block.
    tag = (blockLines[1] ~ /Up$/ && $0 ~ /, MTU: 9000,/ ? "<Pass>" : "<Fail>")
    # Prepend tag to 1st line in block
    sub(/^/, "&" tag, blockLines[1])
    # Prepend tag to last line in block, preserving leading whitespace.
    sub(/^ +/, "&" tag)
    # Print all lines in block (except for last one).
    for (i = 1; i < count; ++i) print blockLines[i]
    # Reset block line counter.
    count = 0
 # Inside block: collect lines, do not print yet.
 count > 0 { blockLines[count++] = $0; next }
 # Print last line in block and lines outside of blocks.
 { print }
