如何对动态创建的输入设置 input.id

我正在尝试使用以下代码在动态创建的表中设置动态创建的输入的 id 值。从逻辑上讲,我试图将id设置为table.description + i(例如V1,F1(,但它不允许正确创建表,控制台只显示每次迭代的 newInput.id。如何分配与描述和迭代器值匹配的 id 值?


function addBaseTable() {
var BaseTable = [
{"description": "V", input1: true, "specification": "Pass/Fail", input2: false, input3: false, input4: true,"result": "Pass",input5: true},
{"description": "F",input1: true,"specification": "≥ " + fSpec + "mL/min<br>" +flowAmtMin ,input2: true,input3: true,input4: true,"result": "Pass",input5: true},
{"description": "BP",input1: true,"specification": "≥ " + bpSpec + " psi <br>RV:Spec "+bpRV+" ",input2: true,input3: true,input4: true,"result": "Pass",input5: true},
{"description": "RP",input1: true,"specification": "≤ " + rpSpec + "",input2: true,input3: true,input4: true, "result":"Pass",input5: true},
{"description": "V2",input1: true,"specification": "≥ " + v2Spec + " ",input2: false,input3: false,input4: true,"result": "Pass",input5: true},
{"description": "HB",input1: true,"specification": '≥ +' + bSpec + ' psi <br>RV:',input2: false,input3: false,input4: true,"result": "Pass",input5: true},
{"description": "SD",input1: true,"specification": '≤ ' + sdSpec + ' <br>RV: 0 Range ',input2: true,input3: true,input4: true,"result": "Pass",input5: true},
{"description": "P",input1: true,"specification": "< 0",input2: false,input3: false,input4: true,"result": "Pass",input5: true}
var allRows = [];
for (var i = 0; i < IV5BaseTable.length; i++) {
var row = "<tr>" + "<td>" + BaseTable[i].description + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + createInput(BaseTable[i].input1,BaseTable,i) + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + BaseTable[i].specification + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + createInput(BaseTable[i].input2,BaseTable,i) + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + createInput(BaseTable[i].input,BaseTable,i3) + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + createInput(BaseTable[i].input4,BaseTable,i) + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + BaseTable[i].result + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + createInput(BaseTable[i].input5,BaseTable,i) + "</td>" + "</tr>";
var tableRef = document.getElementById("tBodyTestTable");
tableRef.innerHTML = allRows.join(" ");
//Pass True||False, the Table, and the row number
function createInput(val,table, i){
var opt = {
true: function(){
    var newInput = '<input type="text" class="testingField"/>';
    newInput.id = "table.description" + i ;
  return newInput;
false: function(){
    return "N/A"
  return opt[val]();


true: function(){
  var newInput = '<input type="text" class="testingField" 
  id="'+table[i].description + i+'"/>';
  //newInput.id = "table.description" + i ;//Comment this line
  return newInput;

请注意,您在带引号的字符串中使用"table.description"。此外,newInput是一个字符串,因此无法向其附加属性 ID。相反,按照我在上面的代码中显示的方式使用它,我使用 table[i].description 编写 id 属性。


true: function(){
  var newInput = document.createElement("input");
  newInput.setAttribute("id", table.description + i);
  newInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); 
  newInput.setAttribute("class", "testingField");
  return newInput;


true: function(){
    var id = table.description + i;
    return '<input type="text" class="testingField"   id="'+id+'">';
