使用哈希图的Dijkstras算法 - 如何插入从邻接图生成的节点?


Lede     Alst     7
Alst     Merelbeke     26
Merelbeke     Alst     26
Alst     Ninove     13
Ninove     Alst     13

Adjacency大约有 130 行代码,我可以根据要求粘贴它。现在,一旦运行,它会在命令中打印出以下行

Lebbeke --> Aalst[14.0], Asse[12.0], Buggenhout[6.0]
Aalter --> Aalst[49.0], Asse[63.0]

这只是从勒贝克和阿尔特到他们的内吉伯的距离。我现在想将此结果与 Dijkstras 算法和HashMap一起使用,以便仅从节点和stop节点start输入中找到最近的路径。

我看过很多使用 Dijkstras 算法的例子,但他们只使用整数作为节点,但我希望节点能够成为使用HashMap来查找节点的任何内容。



在我的类 PathFinder 中,我有我想要实现的方法 Dijkstra。

public class PathFinder<Node> {
private DirectedGraph<Node> graph;
private long startTimeMillis;
public PathFinder(DirectedGraph<Node> graph) {
this.graph = graph;
public class Result<Node> {
public final boolean success;
public final Node start;
public final Node goal;
public final double cost;
public final List<Node> path;
public final int visitedNodes;
public final double elapsedTime;
public Result(boolean success, Node start, Node goal, double cost, List<Node> path, int visitedNodes) {
this.success = success;
this.start = start;
this.goal = goal;
this.cost = cost;
this.path = path;
this.visitedNodes = visitedNodes;
this.elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) / 1000.0;
public String toString() {
String s = "";
s += String.format("Visited nodes: %dn", visitedNodes);
s += String.format("Elapsed time: %.1f secondsn", elapsedTime);
if (success) {
s += String.format("Total cost from %s -> %s: %sn", start, goal, cost);
s += "Path: " + path.stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(" -> "));
} else {
s += String.format("No path found from %s", start);
return s;
public Result<Node> search(String algorithm, V start, V goal) {
startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
switch (algorithm) {
case "random":   return searchRandom(start, goal);
case "dijkstra": return searchDijkstra(start, goal);
case "astar":    return searchAstar(start, goal);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown search algorithm: " + algorithm);
public Result<Node> Dijkstra(Node start, Node goal) {
int visitedNodes = 0;
Node current = start;
ArrayList<Double> distanceToNeighbour = new ArrayList<Double>();
distanceToNeighbour.add(/*Here I need to find the neigbours, get the distances and put them in*/);
HashMap<Node, ArrayList<Double>> nodesToCosts = new HashMap<Node, ArrayList<Double>>();
nodesToCosts.put(/*Here I need to loop through all the nodes and put one at a time*/, distanceToNeighbour)
// ... and then I proceed with the algorithm here.
return new Result<>(false, start, null, -1, null, visitedNodes);


  1. 如何从邻接获取节点并将它们作为键放入我的哈希映射中?
  2. 如何找到所有节点的所有邻居并找到到它们的距离?(这些实际上是我想放在与每个键/节点对应的ArrayList中的图形边缘。



StartCity, Neighbor, Distance

标记这三条信息,并添加到哈希图中,StartCity作为Key。 您将需要一些结构来容纳 [邻居,距离] 的 2 元组。您的HashMapValue将是一个List<2-tuple>
