


编辑:我收到的反馈是,我没有正确地递增字符串的每个字符。我目前正在做的是addi $t0, $t0, 1

# MIPS assembly language program to count the number of decimal digits in an ascii string of characters.
# $a0 = $t0 = user input
# $t1 = counter
# $t2 = temporary register to hold each byte value
length: .space 100
p: .asciiz "nEnter a string: "
p2: .asciiz "nNumber of integers: "
#Prompt User for String
la $a0, p                   #print prompt
li $v0, 4                #load string stored in v0
syscall                  #display prompt string
#Get user input
li $v0, 8                #load string stored in v0
la $a0, length              #set string length to 100
addi $a1, $0, 100           #add length 100 to regist $a1
move $t0, $a0                #user input is now in register $t0
addi $t1, $0, 0              #initialize counter
#loop to check if greater or equal to 0
lb $t2, 0($t0)           #load first character of user input into $t2
bge $t2, 48, upperBound     #branch to upperBound checker if char is greater than or equal 0
addi $t0, $t0, 1         #increment to next character in string
beqz $t0, end            #if character = 0 (end of string), end
j lowerBound
#loop to check if less than or equal to 9
ble  $t2, 57, count_digits  #if in the range 0-9, just to count digits and add 1 to counter
j lowerBound            #loop through again
addi $t1, $t1, 1           #add 1 to counter
j lowerBound
li $v0, 4          #load string print service
la $a0, p2         #load address of prompt 2 inro $a0
syscall            #print prompt
la $a0, ($t1)          #load address of count into $a0
li $v0, 1          #specify print integer service
syscall            #print count




# MIPS assembly language program to count the number of decimal digits in an ascii string of characters.
# $a0 = $t0 = user input
# $t1 = counter
# $t2 = temporary register to hold each byte value
length: .space 100
p: .asciiz "nEnter a string: "
p2: .asciiz "nNumber of integers: "
#Prompt User for String
la $a0, p                   #print prompt
li $v0, 4                #load string stored in v0
syscall                  #display prompt string
#Get user input
li $v0, 8                #load string stored in v0
la $a0, length              #set string length to 100
addi $a1, $0, 100           #add length 100 to regist $a1
move $t0, $a0                #user input is now in register $t0
addi $t1, $0, 0              #initialize counter
#loop to check if greater or equal to 0
lb $t2, 0($t0)           #load first character of user input into $t2
addi $t0, $t0, 1         #increment to next character in string
bge $t2, 48, upperBound     #branch to upperBound checker if char is greater than or equal 0
beqz $t2, end            #if character = 0 (end of string), end
j lowerBound
#loop to check if less than or equal to 9
ble  $t2, 57, count_digits  #if in the range 0-9, just to count digits and add 1 to counter
j lowerBound            #loop through again
addi $t1, $t1, 1           #add 1 to counter
j lowerBound
li $v0, 4          #load string print service
la $a0, p2         #load address of prompt 2 inro $a0
syscall            #print prompt
move $a0, $t1          #load count into $a0
li $v0, 1          #specify print integer service
syscall            #print count
